
Chapter 174 - Monke And Friends Commit War Crimes

A/N: Caution, huge amounts of gore (and maybe memes) ahead




~ Third Person POV ~

Drake was having a good time bashing heads and crushing skulls, the blood and gore spewing from their craniums not a hindrance for the seasoned killer. Drake tilted his head backwards as a sword barely nicked his nose bridge.

Grinning, Drake delivered a powerful punch towards the gut of the overextended soldier, his stomach caving in and erupting from the back due to the force of his punch. At the same time, his eyes popped out of their sockets as the soldier let out a cry of pain before falling into a heap of his own flesh and blood.

"Ahh… Good ol' R&R, although a lot of karens and boomers would disagree." Drake cracked his neck as the soldiers surrounding him stood still, afraid of running into their deaths. If this was any other person, you could kiss their ass goodbye as they're shredded to bits by the swords of the soldiers, but Drake was anything but ordinary. "Come on and slam and welcome to jam!"

Reciting a meme as he clenched his gauntleted fists tighter, Drake snarled with a manic smile plastered to his face, before rushing into the mass of soldiers, the armored men now panicking at the human… No, demon rushing at them at speeds no normal human could comprehend.

Once the two forces met contact, Unstoppable Force, broke through the totally-movable shield, broken bodies of men flying into the air and landing on the ground with a loud thud. Most of the soldiers who were subjected to this attack died instantly, while others were not so fortunate.

They felt their bones break and organs rupture, their heartbeat going into overdrive as pain consumed their entire being. Those who were lucky enough to not be targeted, promptly tucked their tails and ran for their lives.

Drake, seeing the retreating form of the soldiers, snickered as he dropped down on his knees, taking the stance of a runner's starting position.

"I feel most alive when rapidly approaching my kill!" Drake had his mouth wide open as he took off, his feet instantly bringing him to the closest running soldier in under a second. Grabbing his head, the soldier flailed his arms, his sword nearly nicking Drake's body, if he wasn't pushed to the ground instantly, his head bursting like a watermelon as brain matter covered in thick blood splattered over the ground.

Lunging at another soldier, who stood stock still due to fear, Drake punched the soldier in the face, her left eye popping out of her face as the entire right side of her face caved in.

Dropping to the ground, dead, Drake wasted no time and ran for the nearest soldier to mutilate and/or obliterate with his fists.

Not far from the raging natural disaster known as Drake, the five ogres: Zurug, Ugut, Igruk, Xek, and Touzig all roared out as they trampled on the puny soldiers with their towering bodies, their weapons all caked with blood and organs as they mercilessly pummeled the soldiers to their death.

"Leave no survivor! For the Chieftain!" Zurug, the red ogre and their leader, raised his double-headed axe, or labrys, and charged at the enemy soldiers who were standing defiantly against the odds. Behind him, his fellow ogres charged along with him, except for Xek, who stood behind and raised his staff and chanted a verse.

"Xevic Ascenaeial Raviigus." Purple mist began to coalesce at the head of Xek's staff, before exploding out into the area. Those who were touched by the purple mist, began to cough of blood and bleed out of every pore of their body. The ogres, trolls, and those who were not on the humans' side, however, did not get affected, even when surrounded to the brim with the purple mist.

Xek cackled madly as the human soldiers who were affected by his spell slowly died an agonizing death, their faces twisted into insurmountable anguish and horror.

"Ahhh… Their death throes brings joy to my shaman heart. I should thank Chieftain for making us come along." Xek once more chanted another verse as his staff glowed an eerie black.

"Malsus Nimtuna Inteyuairum Ecruaeytra Lobcane Nimum." Once his chant was done, Xek's staff unleashed a giant wave of black, inky mist going forward, turning any unfortunate soldier along its path to decay in the most agonizing way possible. The ogres, trolls, and those on their side were unharmed once again.

While he was chanting those verses, two trolls decided to defend the ogre shaman, their iron clubs and metal armor clinking against one another as they stood rooted to the spot, intent on killing any human that would dare approach their comrade.

The trolls also followed the ogres into battle, but chose to focus on defense instead of offense since the ogres were doing pretty well on that front.

Trailing behind them, a veritable monster wearing a cloak with flames licking around his body approached slowly, his mask under the hood making it impossible to discern his face. A giant hammer rested on his shoulder, its form forcing fear and terror into the hearts of all humans witnessing this spectacle.

"How I wished there was heavy metal blasting as BGM. Meh, can't have everything…" The towering monster invoked fear in every human who bore eyes to the figure, their legs trembling as they felt their lives slowly taken away by either the aggressive ogres, the passive-aggressive trolls, or their ogre shaman.

They were already losing morale due to the appearance of these monsters in which not one of the common foot soldier could attempt to fight, much less on the same footing, but witnessing this?

They knew this raid was a lost cause.

"Anyway, let's spice things up, shall we?" The monster raised his hands, and giant walls of earth jutted out from all around, trapping every soldier not fast enough to run away. "That's better. Zurug, call of your ogres, let me have a crack at 'em."

"Understood, Chieftain." Zurug, who was relishing in his kill, nodded and backed away, the ogres and trolls all following the commands of the monster covered in flames.

The remaining soldiers who were trapped inside with the monsters numbered no less than 50, and the monster paid no mind to their numbers. Instead, from under the hood, an eye socket glowed red, and the flames around him grew stronger.

"Here's Jionni!" Jionni hefted his hammer up and slammed it on the ground, causing a tremor to occur within the area. The soldiers, not used to earthquakes, stumbled on their feet as most of them dropped to the ground.

Capitalizing on this, Jionni waved his arm, and numerous earth spikes emerged from the ground, piercing at least a dozen soldiers, their screams the last action they did as they all slumbered for eternity.

Jionni then lunged at a nearby soldier and grabbed his head, the soldier screaming all the while as the flames around the monster's body melted his armor, molten iron seeping into his skin.

Not intent on prolonging the suffering of the poor asshole, Jionni threw the screaming soldier into the air and swatted him like a fly with his hammer, his entire body exploding into bits of fleshy chunks and gore as he impacted against the earth wall.

Seeing the fate of more than a dozen soldiers in just a second, the remaining soldiers' morale dropped below rock bottom, and all of them ran for their lives as they clawed away at the earth wall in hopes of digging a hole through it.

Chuckling at the display, Jionni grabbed a soldier who was too slow to react and brought him to eye-level, the soldier discharging due to the fear, the smell permeating through both of their noses.

"Tell me, little human… For what reason did you think that invading a Dungeon was a good idea?" The soldier said nothing as he continued to struggle, his mouth hung wide open as his vocal cords let out a shriek.

Annoyed at the act, Jionni burned the soldier's face off, his struggling ceasing as his brain got barbecued due to the intense heat. Letting go of the corpse, Jionni eyed the rest of the soldiers who were doing their best to escape.

"Well, there's still a lot more to interrogate, and I think today's a good day to test my skills against live dummies." Jionni's grin under the mask grew manic as he lunged at another unfortunate soldier.




"Sir! The raid's a fail! We need to leave!" A soldier pleaded towards his commander, only to be rewarded with a swift slice to his neck, his head rolling of his shoulders and onto the ground, blood gushing out like a fountain from the decapitated neck.

"Coward. Nobody retreats. Our enemies are only animals! Savages that only know how to use brute strength!" The commander, a man in his prime decorated with countless of medals raised his sword. "Forward march! Give these animals a taste of the strength of humans-"

The commander was stopped from completing his speech by a swift punch to his chin, his jaw breaking and unhinging as he fell to the ground. His screams of pain and agony froze the soldiers under his command.

"Now, who's this I see? The idiot noble I spared back in the day? Didn't think we would be reuniting anytime soon." Drake laughed as he stepped on the head of the noble, tears and snot staining the ground.

The soldiers, noticing the presence of the one who attacked their commander, readied their weapons and pointed at the offender.

"Now, now, one wrong move and this guy gets it." Drake sneered at the soldiers, who were at a loss as to what to do with their current situation. "… Eh, who cares."

Drake stomped his foot hard, the head of the noble bursting like a melon as his pained grunting and struggling ceased. The soldiers, not expecting the sudden death, froze like a deer caught on headlights.

Drake, however, was grinning at the scene.

"Surround on all sides, with no reinforcements on sight. A good enough handicap, if I do say so myself." Drake shrugged as he scanned the area around him. He raised his arm and made a come-hither gesture towards the soldiers.. "Now then, come get some."

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