
Chapter 109 Liang Wei Cunningness

Wang Chen let out a long exhale, steeling himself for the decision ahead. He knew that if he picked one door, he would be closing off the other. But as a cunning villain, he understood the importance of pursuing his own interests above all else.

Rather than being confined to a predetermined path, Wang Chen chose to carve out his own destiny. He relished the opportunity to bend situations to his advantage, even if it meant causing chaos along the way.

Wang Chen glanced at Su Ling, noticing the deep contemplation on her face. He couldn\'t help but speak up, breaking her reverie, "Hey, we\'re going to rescue Liang Wei. Why are you lost in your thoughts? Don\'t you want to save him too?"

The moment his words reached her ears, Su Ling snapped out of her daze, her eyes sparkling as they locked onto Wang Chen. With a nod of her head, a silly grin spread across her face, erasing the earlier pain. \'Mother, I\'ve found trustworthy friends. You can rest peacefully in heaven,\' Su Ling silently reassured her departed mother.

Observing Su Ling\'s reaction, Wang Chen felt a sense of satisfaction. "That\'s right, don\'t worry. We\'ll save Liang Wei, but not without ensuring my safety first."Wang Chen muttered. He had already devised a plan that would maximize his gains and protect him from any impending danger.

Liang Wei as the protagonist, and Su Ling as the heroine, so with the help of Heaven and their immense luck, there were no problems for them to survive even if they encountered danger.

After Su Ling\'s mother was killed, did her father not consider killing her as well? It was only through her incredible luck and her role as the heroine that she was able to survive, Even though she could be a bit naive and easily tricked, like falling for a lollipop trick, she managed to survive against all odds.

Wang Chen may have some good luck on his side, but he doesn\'t have a proper identity yet. Luckily, he possesses a unique system that allows him to identify opportunities and reap the reward but nothing more than that. 

He got the identity of a villain, thanks to his clashes with two protagonists. Being a villain comes with its perks, as they are granted certain privileges and treated with respect wherever they go, at least until they encounter the protagonist. From that point on, villains become mere stepping stones for the protagonist, manipulated by fate itself.

However, Wang Chen has different aspirations. He yearns to be a master of his own destiny, someone who calls the shots and cannot be controlled by others. Little did he know, he was already entangled in someone else\'s web, a mysterious entity that traverses the vast cosmos.


"They\'re not here?" Liang Wei muttered, disappointment etching across his face as he rummaged through the warehouse, finding no trace of Wang Chen and Su Ling.

Suddenly, applause echoed from different directions, causing Liang Wei to snap his head up. Four men materialized before him, their presence oozing with confidence.

"Hehehe, we\'ve finally got you!" one of the men smirked, relishing in their apparent victory.

"Shit," Liang Wei cursed under his breath, recognizing the four men who stood before him. They were none other than the esteemed elders of the Su Family, the very individuals he had encountered when he first met Su Song. Knowing that all four of them had attained the formidable Top Golden Core Realm, Liang Wei realized he was in for a tough battle. His Qi reserves had been depleted in previous battles, leaving him at a disadvantage.

Realizing he needed to employ his trump cards strategically, Liang Wei decided to feign weakness. He would appear vulnerable, tempting his opponents to underestimate him and lower their guard. Only then would he unleash his hidden techniques and turn the tables in his favor.

As the fight commenced, Liang Wei\'s plan began to unfold. With a wry smile, he taunted the elders, "Is that all you\'ve got? I expected more from the renowned Su Family!"

The first elder, his face twisted in anger, retorted, "You dare mock us, outsider? We will show you the true might of our family!"

With a swift motion, Liang Wei dodged a powerful swing from the second elder\'s sword. He countered with a quick thrust, causing the elder to step back in surprise. "You\'ll have to do better than that!" Liang Wei challenged, his eyes gleaming with determination.

The third elder, fueled by the intensity of the battle, launched a flurry of attacks. Liang Wei skillfully evaded each strike, his movements agile and precise. "You underestimate me, Su Family," he proclaimed, his voice brimming with confidence. "I won\'t be defeated so easily!"

Undeterred by Liang Wei\'s resilience, the four elders continued their relentless assault. Gradually, they observed Liang Wei\'s previous fighting prowess waning, as if the weight of their combined strength was wearing him down.

Recognizing the opportunity, the First Elder saw a chance to exploit Liang Wei\'s diminishing pace. He momentarily let his guard down, readying himself to strike. However, the fourth elder, his eyes narrowed with suspicion, closely observed the unfolding skirmish. Sensing deception, he called out to his comrades, "Something\'s not right. Don\'t let your guard down!"

The fourth elder\'s cautious words immediately sparked vigilance among the others. Realizing the potential trap, the First Elder swiftly abandoned his plan to attack. The once aggressive and careless assaults transformed into calculated and synchronized maneuvers, aimed at exploiting any weakness Liang Wei might reveal.

As the tempo of their combined assault intensified, it became increasingly challenging for Liang Wei to maintain his facade. The blows he endured grew stronger, testing his limits. He could no longer rely solely on deception and had no choice but to unleash his full strength.

So Liang Wei started attacking the elders with his full strength and suddenly all the elders were shocked and the other three elders realised that the previous strength of Liang was a facade and the decision of listening to fourth Elder\'s was right. So they started fighting seriously again.

Liang Wei and the Su Family elders engaged in a deadly dance of blades. Each movement was executed with precision and purpose. Liang Wei\'s agility and quick reflexes allowed him to dodge and parry their attacks with calculated grace.

Amidst the chaos of clashing weapons, Liang Wei\'s cunning shone through. He strategically exploited brief openings in the elders\' defenses, landing precise counterattacks that sent them staggering backward. His every move was calculated, designed to keep his opponents off-balance and unsure of his true capabilities.

The battle reached a crescendo as energy crackled in the air. Liang Wei\'s eyes narrowed, his senses heightened. With a calculated feint, he baited one of the elders into overextending their strike, leaving them momentarily vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity, Liang Wei swiftly retaliated with a devastating combination of strikes, forcing the elder to retreat.

However, the Su Family elders were not to be underestimated. Their experience and wisdom allowed them to adapt to Liang Wei\'s tactics. They regrouped, their movements synchronized in a display of seamless coordination. Sensing an opportunity, they launched a coordinated assault, attempting to overwhelm Liang Wei with their sheer force.

Liang Wei, ever the strategist, anticipated their ploy. He swiftly switched tactics, utilizing his superior speed and agility to evade their onslaught. With a cunning maneuver, he redirected their attacks towards each other, exploiting their momentary lapse in coordination. Chaos ensued as the elders inadvertently clashed, their strikes deflected and misdirected.

The battle reached a climax, the warehouse filled with the echoes of clashing weapons and strained grunts. Liang Wei\'s cunningness, coupled with his unyielding spirit, became a formidable force. Each step he took, each strike he delivered, showcased his mastery of the art of combat and the depths of his strategic prowess.

Yet, amidst the turmoil, Liang Wei could not afford to grow complacent. The elders fought with unwavering determination, refusing to be outmanoeuvred. They adapted their strategies, seeking to exploit any lapse in Liang Wei\'s defenses.

The clash continued, the air thick with tension and the warriors locked in a fierce struggle. Liang Wei and the Su Family elders were locked in a stalemate, neither side willing to back down. Beads of sweat trickled down their faces as exhaustion crept upon them.

Knowing he couldn\'t hold back any longer, Liang Wei made a bold move. With a swift motion, he reached into his chest and drew forth a rusty dagger concealed within his garments. 

[Author\'s Note: Hey, everyone! Can you believe it? We\'ve hit a huge milestone today—100 chapters! I\'m over the moon, and I want to express my gratitude for your amazing support. Thank you for sticking with me even though I\'m just a mediocre writer. 

As a shameless author, I\'m shamelessly asking for some gifts to celebrate this achievement. It could be a virtual high-five, Golden Tickets, a funny GIF, or even a cheesy joke. Anything to make me smile! Let\'s continue this adventure together, and he

re\'s to many more chapters and shameless requests. Thank you, thank you, thank you!]

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