
Chapter 605

Although the others are interested, they won’t be able to watch the race because these two are the fastest creatures we know. Even if Angela is following them while carrying a camera to broadcast the race, she might not be able to keep up with them. So, we will only set the cameras on Andro’s back for everyone to see who will reach the finish line first.

“Alright. You two, come here. I will explain the race. I tried to make things as fair as possible and this is what I can do. We have three courses. Land, water, and sky,” I explained.

I made three courses because these two creatures capable of moving in those three places. Though I’m curious how Ray can breathe underwater. But if he’s confident, I guess it’s fine to make the course go underwater.

The start of the race is from the Monsters Village. The other monsters also interested to see who is the fastest. I think some of them, mostly the werewolves, were thinking of running as well at the start of the race. Just to compare how fast they are against these two fast monsters.

From this Monsters Village, Spot and Ray will move on land all the way to the east until they reached the beach. The first checkpoint. After that, they will go into the water and dive to the deepest part of the sea. After reaching the checkpoint in the deep sea, they will swim to the surface and fly to the sky. To the finish line in the sky. Andro’s back.

I have introduced Ray to Andro while I asked for his permission to use his back as the finishing line. He said he’s fine with it.


“Unlike the other two checkpoints, the finishing line, Andro, is a living creature. And it’s difficult for him to stay still in one spot in the sky. So, he will keep moving. I asked him to keep moving in one direction. To the east. So, the longer you reached the first two checkpoints, the further the finishing line will be,” I said.

“I see. So, land first, then the sea, and finally the sky. And if we take too long, the finishing line will go even further. Am I right so far?” Spot asked after repeating what I told him.

“Yes. There might be monsters in the way. I don’t care if you avoid them or fight them. But you two are not allowed to fight each other. Also, in the checkpoints, you will see two flags raised. You need to destroy one flag in every checkpoint before progressing with the race. Whichever flag it is, you just need to destroy one before continuing the race. If the flag is not destroyed, even if you win the race, it will be counted that you lose,” I said.

The flags are obviously Blobbyflags. I’m worried about the flags being destroyed by a monster for some reason, so I used my intimidation around the area where I raise the flags so monsters won’t come. Or at least they won’t if my intimidation works.

Well, I will use portal anyway to reach the checkpoints first before these two monsters. If the flag is not standing before these two monsters arrive, I will fix them.

The first course of the race is simple. Just run straight to the beach. But the second one is difficult because I put the flags in the deepest part of the oceanic trench. The water pressure under there is not a joke. And the monsters under the sea, especially in the deepest sea, are much bigger and stronger.

I once dived into the sea in Monsters World before. Swimming is good to build muscles all around my body after all. And what I saw back then, was a huge sea monster. Around the size of Andro’s head.

That’s right. Andro is just that big. But I don’t know if Andro is the biggest creature or not. Maybe there’s a monster that disguise itself as an island. Or maybe even a continent!

So, this is a difficult race for these two. But I think they will be fine.

Lastly, they will leave the sea and fly toward Andro’s location. So, after they destroyed the flags in the sea, I will use portal to the surface and wait until they appear to tell them where they need to go.

Though I need to go into the sea as well for their second checkpoints. Not only I need to go there first before Spot and Ray arrive, I need to endure the water pressure there. Maybe I will be the one who got tired the most.

“Hmm... using flags as checkpoints. Easy. I understand. But it seems like the one who will get tired the most is you. Not us who will race against each other,” Spot said.

“Don’t worry about me. Just race until you reach the finish,” I said.

After testing the magic weapons and Aura weapons all the time, I felt like it has been so long since I last train myself. This race is a good chance for me to do it. And like I said before, swimming is good to increase the muscle in my whole body. And while enduring the pressure in the deep water, I can increase my endurance as well.

Actually, I made this three course race with the help of Victoria obviously. It’s based on a sport competition in her world, triathlon. A competition where the participants would compete in three different types of race. Swimming, cycling, and running.

Riding bicycle is fun and enjoyable for me. What a wonderful invention from Victoria’s world.

But since the serpent and the horse are obviously unable to cycle, I made the race changed into three different venue. Cycling turned into flying. Though it’s not like there’s a bicycle in this world. Only I have the experience of riding a bicycle. Or should I say Victoricycle.

“Alright, Spot, are you ready!?” I asked Spot.

“I’m ready anytime,” Spot replied.

“Ray, are you ready!?” this time, I asked Ray.


I guess he’s also ready.

“Then, we will start when I give the signal to go.”

Other than these two, I see the werewolves turned into wolves and prepared to join the race as well. Including Shelia and Jack. Some angels also interested, but not Graham. He’s still trying to talk some senses into his sister.

And unsurprisingly, Angela is here as well. Though she’s only fast when she’s flying. Her Groundwalking, the ability to enter the ground and move into another location, is not developed enough. It’s the ability Timmy uses to move far away with his earth magic. Maybe Angela will be able to use it well after reaching master level.

Other than the two main participants, the others seem to just want to race until the beach. Well, that’s fine.

“Ready, GO!” I gave the signal to start the race.

Spot and Ray quickly dashed ahead the others. With Ray in the lead.

As for the others, it’s Angela in the behind those two, and Shelia behind her.

“You’re not going?” Victoria asked.

“Well, I’m going now,” I replied.

Of course I will follow them as well. But once Spot and Ray is outside my Divine Vision range, I will use portal. So, it’s not a race for me.

But now that I’m an Aura Master, with just a little bit of Aura used, I quickly passed the others and run side by side with Angela who is flying in low altitude.

“Angela! If you are interested in seeing the winner of the race, I’ll open up a portal later after those two reached the second checkpoint,” I said to Angela before passing her.

Although I’m fast, I can’t keep up with the two monsters. But I can still see them.

Ray is in the lead, while Spot is quite lagging far behind Ray. Land is not where Spot can use his best speed at after all.

But still, Spot’s speed is much faster than in the past. I guess he has been training for a while. Must be because Ray becomes my familiar.

With his huge size, Spot can still slither forward avoiding trees or anything in the way.

“Roy! How long is the distance from the start to the beach!?”

While I’m still not far from Angela, she asked me the distance to the beach.

“With your speed, I guess you can reach there by noon,” I replied.

The race is not normal as the distance between checkpoint is quite far. Even using a normal horse carriage would take a few days at least to reach the beach. Though there are no one normal among those who are running right now.

Thanks to becoming Aura Master, My Divine Vision can see even further than before. So, even though Ray is far in front of me, I can see him. And there’s a group of monsters on the way, but Ray dodged them with just a single leap.

And then, while trying to chase after Ray, they realized that they can’t reach him. And then Spot appears and became their next target.

Spot easily dodged them and continue moving forward. He ignored them and only focus on the race.

Again, the monsters are chasing after Spot. But after a while, they can’t reach him anymore and then I appeared in front of them.

With just a swing of my hand, and Aura covering my hand like a blade, I sliced the monsters in pieces before continuing moving forward without reducing my speed at all.

Well, so far, the land is Ray’s dominion. Although they are still quite far from the checkpoint, Ray have been increasing the gap between the two. But the race is still far from over.

Soon, Ray will be out of my sight. I guess I’ll open a portal soon.

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