
Chapter 526

None of them expected to be attacked in this place where the other members of the cult should be guarding, but here we are.

Both Angela and I jumped off of Spot’s back as Spot let out his breath attack toward where the monsters are concentrated at. But as expected of monsters that have been experimented and modified. They could even survive Spot’s powerful breath attack. Though only a few of them.

Most of the monsters in the line of attack were killed. So, the result is still positive. Though I wish he could kill more, but I guess they are just that strong.

Some of the humans were also killed. But since they are spread all over the place, we couldn’t kill them all. And as soon as the summoners noticed that they are being attacked, they started summoning their monster.

Good thing they don’t know about Pear-y Fruit. It means that no matter how high their summoning level is, they can only summon one contracted monsters.

I was about to join the fight, but then I see Angela’s magic attacked several areas at once and killed dozens of the monsters and humans. So, I stopped myself from joining the battle.


...It seems like I’m not needed here. Just Spot and Angela can defeat so many of them already. Though there are still many monsters in this place belonging to the cult. So, I can’t rest easy.

Well, for now, I’ll just target the tamers and summoners. Some of them are expert level mages in their other elements, so they can still protect themselves.

With Angela and Spot attacking huge area at once, getting close to the enemies and fight close combat is just suicide. So, I just used dual Blobbyguns on both my hands after I broke Reizpear into pieces and put those pieces in my pocket.

Using Blobbyguns against modified monsters, it’s difficult to penetrate their defense. But if it’s against human, and they haven’t started to cast their protective spell yet, killing them in one shot is easy.

I bet Sara and the other air mages that she has given and taught to fire a bullet are doing their best at the front. There’s no need for me to go there, so I just need to take care of everything else behind.

...Actually, I have many things to do. I need to kill the enemies, while not only dodging their attacks. But I also need to evade the attack from my own allies. Angela and Spot.

Spot’s attack can be evaded easily as I just need to move away from the location of where his head is facing. But for Angela, I need to wait until I can see the direction she’s attacking. Not just that, she can also change the direction of the magic she uses! So, it’s very hard to do so.

Though sometimes, I helped Angela as well.

When she’s casting a big magic toward my location, I faced her magic as I transformed Blobbygun into Blobbykatana and I sliced her magic in half. The offensive magic became two as they killed more enemies. Our combination is the greatest. Though I wish she won’t keep casting her offensive magic toward me all the time. It was as if she’s trying to kill me instead.

Though so far, Angela hasn’t started attacking the giant tortoise yet. Although the tortoise is slow, and probably isn’t the most threatening monster here, just the sheer size alone can intimidate everyone. I’ll find a chance to defeat him.

Seeing a gigantic tortoise, I remember the tortoise that the cult raise. I named him Heavyback. This tortoise might be one of his siblings. This one was fed something that makes his size changed drastically.

Heavyback and his other sibling that we found back in the dungeon cave when we’re trying to capture the Professor were already big. But this one is totally different in size. Though this one doesn’t have any kind of ore or mineral on its back.

I also almost forgotten about Heavyback if I didn’t encounter this giant tortoise. He and his sibling that I moved somewhere, were living happily without a care. Though they need to find their own food this time rather than being fed, they enjoyed sunbathing instead of being locked.

But this giant tortoise, I didn’t sense a hint of intellect from it. Not just the tortoise, but also every single monsters here. I guess I was right that there are no monsters with sane mind here that we can talk to.

Just as I was about to approach the tortoise, I see Spot is charging his breath attack and aimed it to the tortoise. I stopped to see what will happen.

Spot unleashed his breath attack as it hits the tortoise’s gigantic shell. But Spot’s attack didn’t even leave a scratch! His breath the could even destroy a mountain, is not strong enough to destroy the shell of a tortoise!

“Hoh, you have a great defense. But how long can that shell protect you?” Spot said to the tortoise.

Although the tortoise didn’t reply, it seems like that tortoise knows that Spot is provoking it. So, it moved it’s unbelievably long neck and aimed its head toward Spot to attack him.

Now I remember. That time, Heavyback was also wanted to attack me using some sort of breath attack or roar. Maybe it’s racial skill or magic. And Spot doesn’t seem to know about it, so he ignores it.

It might be stronger than even Spot’s breath, so I need to stop it.

With my quickest speed, I moved to the head of the tortoise and kicked its jaw as hard as I can. The jaw that was about to be opened to attack Spot, get closed instead. And the tortoise head exploded. That’s how the tortoise killed itself.

The breath that was about to be used as an attack, can’t leave the head because the jaw of the tortoise was closed. But it was too late to cancel the attack. With no other place to escape from its mouth, the tortoise ended up killing itself.

And at the same time the head of the tortoise exploded, Spot attacked his second breath attack toward the tortoise’s shell. It was more powerful than his previous breath attack, but the tortoise’s shell’s defense is still to much for Spot’s breath attack to penetrate.

“What? It’s dead already? Hey! I thought it was mine!” Spot complained to me.

“Don’t complain! If I didn’t kick his jaw, you’ll be the one dying instead! Wait! It’s still alive!”

Just as I replied to Spot’s complain, The tortoise’s head regenerated. What the hell? How can we defeat this tortoise then?

I used Divine Vision to see the inner organ of the tortoise in case I can find a weakness. But before I can find anything, the tortoise head which is very close to me, raise high and went down as if trying to slam me down with its head.

But I evaded it. I stepped back far from the tortoise. Still, the tortoise was too fast. It even let another breath attack toward me.

I dodged it again. But the monsters and the tamers in my direction were killed by the tortoise. It was great that my allies are not in this direction. But the tortoise’s power is too frightening.

A powerful shell for defense. A head that even if it’s destroyed, it can regenerate quickly. And the attack that can kill so many monsters and humans at once. Where is it’s weakness?

Maybe if I destroyed its head again, I can see the source of its regeneration. But it will be difficult to approach it the second time.

“Spot! Lure the tortoise so it will follow you! Get as far away from us! If possible, kill it by yourself. If not, delay it as long as possible until I finished taking care of the everything else. I will help you later!” I gave the order to the serpent flying in the sky.


Spot used his tail to slap the head of the tortoise which was still chasing me. And now, Spot has became its target and followed after him. Though it was extremely slow, I don’t think this tortoise will target our allies anymore.

Now, I can focus on the others.

During the time we had a confrontation with the tortoise, Angela has killed many monsters and tamers. But I see something interesting.

Once a summoner got their monster killed, they instantly use summoning magic again to make another contracted monsters and summon them. No matter what it is. Even a weak goblin. Just to have another monster to protect the summoner.

And they will keep doing it whenever their new monster got killed, until they either out of mana to do another summoning, or the summoners are dead.

It’s the first time I saw it in this life, but it’s a familiar sight in my past life. I have seen some summoners did exactly the same during the war.

This is how a summoners fight normally. When their monster got defeated, they will make contract with another monster and summon them.

Though I will never do that. If Shelia, Graham, or even Victoria died, I won’t carelessly make contract with random monster and summon them. And I have became too close with those three as well. So, if they died, I won’t be able to keep calm.

Well, I hope they won’t die. Anyway, this mean I need to kill all the enemy summoners first. It will be dangerous if they somehow managed to make a contract with powerful monster and summon them here After we kill their current contracted monster.

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