
Chapter 326 Being Honest With Lorraine

"You can get a snack but not too much", Lorraine walked into the apartment after Oliver with grocery bags in hand. "Dinner will be ready very soon."

"Okay", he answered as he walked to his room. He smiled at Xavier who ruffled his hair as he walked past him. He pulled away to fix his hair while grinning. "Xavier!"

"Hey buddy", Xavier answered with a smileas he went on his way to the kitchen to greet his girlfriend.

"Hey", Lorraine\'s eyes lit when she saw him join her in the kitchen.

He had a happy smile on his face as he went to her side, pulling her to him and he pressed his lips against hers in a breath taking kiss. She broke the kiss, her cheeks coloring red from the exchange.

"What\'s all this?" He spoke quietly, looking down at the bags. He fished out a bottle of wine and arched a brow at her. "Are we celebrating something?"

"Yes!" She recovered from her blush and her eyes sparkled with excitement. "They finally closed an important case today."

"Oh?" His brows rose, unsure whether to prob or just take the information she gave him.

She started putting the groceries into the fridge as she explained oblivious to Xavier\'s frown to when she detached herself from him. "The past few weeks have been hectic because we had to keep an eye out for some bad guys. The masterminds behind Savvy\'s case. That\'s finally over. They were caught."

Xavier\'s face paled. He knew exactly what that case was about. Guilt gnawed at him. She no longer needed to stay in hiding with him. If he told her the truth... He should tell her the truth.

"Xavier?" She turned to face him from the fridge, seeing as he was quiet.

"That\'s great", he threw her a smile. Her brows slightly furrowed, not believing him. He moved to her, hands around her waist. "You must be tired. Why don\'t you go freshen up and I\'ll take care of this?"

"Are you sure?" She lifted his shirt and leaned forward to examine his bandaid covered wound. "How are you feeling today?"

"I\'m fine. Go on." He held her by the shoulders, bringing her up and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Fine. But I\'ll be right out to start cooking", she said. She gave him a warning look and he raised his hands in surrender, promising to not do what he shouldn\'t let doctor\'s orders.

She rushed to their room and quickly freshened up to changed into shorts and a huge t-shirt. As she walked in the corridors going to the kitchen, she could hear him helping her brother with his homework in his room. Lorraine could not help her happy smile as she moved to make a hearty meal. Maybe because she was in such a good mood, her cooking turned out even more excellent.

"Boys! Dinner is ready!" She shouted in the corridor before going back to set the island counter.

The two came back out arguing about something before they joined her around the counter with Xavier sitting next to her. Light conversation went around as they ate.

Xavier clinked his wine glass that had grape juice against Oliver\'s while Lorraine happily enjoyed the wine. When dinner was over, the boys cleaned up and the three watched a TV show for a bit before calling it a night.

"I think that beef stroganoff is officially my favorite meal", Xavier commented whilst sliding into bed.

"Oh yeah?" She grinned letting him pull her closer into his arms. She half rested on him afraid to hurt him.

"Mm", he replied whilst playing with her hair that fell to her back. "Aren\'t you hot?" He asked referring to the oversized shirt and knee length shorts. "Do you always wear this to sleep?"

"Not really", she answered quietly.

"Then why?" He frowned.

"We agreed to take things slow, didn\'t we?" She countered.

Her question made him realize her fear and he could not help but chuckle. "Yes, we\'ll take things slow but that doesn\'t mean you should lose yourself. Now, go change."

"Are you sure?" She lifted herself to face him.


He regretted those words as soon as she stepped back into the room. She had a strapped silky night gown that fell barely below her bottom slightly exposing a matching underwear. He traced her creamy cleavage down to her thighs with his heated gaze, his mind creating an image of his head trapped between-

"I\'ll go change!" She announced, feeling conscious of his gaze.

"No!" He protested a little too loudly almost startling her. He cleared his throat, suppressing his desires in the process. "No. No. Come here."

She joined him in bed, a little hesitant with his watch on her. She pulled up the duvet to cover herself making him lift his gaze up to hers. "Maybe I should put a pillow barrier."

"Lorraine", he complained with furrowed brows.

"You keep staring", she pointed out, feeling embarrassed.

"I can\'t help it, you\'re so sexy", he confessed making her cheeks color even more. "I promise, I won\'t go back on my word. Well, I\'ll try."

She decided to put a little faith in and leaned into him. He only groaned feeling how soft the little clothing made her feel against him. Lorraine moved her leg to place it between his only for it to brush against his friend down south that was a little a excited. He groaned again at the contact and it just fueled her blushing. Shoukd she move her leg or should she pretend she can\'t feel anything? But it\'s something very hard to ignore just by the feel-

"So", she started. Hoping to distract both of them. "Earlier, when I told you about work, you didn\'t look as happy."

"Oh." He closed his eyes, took a deeo breath as silently as possible and opened them again, it was hard to ignore the torture he was under. "It wasn\'t that I wasn\'t happy about the news but... "

"But?" She lifted her head to face him with a frown yet curious eyes. Seeing her look at him like that, he decided to come clean. He didn\'t want to be dishonest with her. It would be a terrible start to their relationship.

"The case you were handling has a lot to do with why we went into hiding", he started.


"You were working with the FBI to catch a woman and Dylan, A.J\'s assistant?"

"How did you know that? How\'s that connected to our situation?"

He almost smiled hearing her use the word \'our\' but went on to answer her. "My Dad was working on that case along with my brother who was once FBI and sister-in-law who is A.J."

Her mouth dropped for a few seconds before she started laughing, finding him ridiculous. He remained serious which wiped away her laughter. "You\'re serious? But A.J is a man. Isn\'t A.J a man? Your sister-in-law is THE A.J?"

"It\'s part of her disguise", he replied. He gave her a minute, letting the information sink in.

She could not wrap her head around it. How was that fragile looking yet beautiful woman such a big person? And hearing him speak of his family like that, they were all impressive people yet she was just a nobody..... She suddenly felt inferior just thinking about it.... And then it hit her:

"So what does that have to do with us?" She asked.

"With the case over, it means we no longer have to remain in hiding. We don\'t have to... live together anymore....", He said more quietly.

She stared at him, reading his thoughts and smiled in realization. "You don\'t want that."

"Do you?" He asked, though her smile was telling.

"I love our situation, this place. When you brought us here, it instantly felt like home. I love that I can come back to two of my favorite boys and make them a meal that we\'ll all enjoy. I love the fact that my day now ends with me in your arms. What\'s not to love about that?" She whispered with a happy smile tugging at her lips.

He cupped her cheek and brushed his lips against hers, thrust his tongue inside her warm mouth, dancing in rhythm with hers. She moaned against him as he roamed his hands on her soft body and gave her panty covered butt a nice squeeze.

"So it\'s a yes to moving in with me?" He confirmed as both of them caught their breaths and she nodded in response. "I might do things that will annoy you."

"That won\'t change how I feel about you", she responded. "And me?"

"Never." With that firm reply, he sealed their agreement with another kiss excited for what their future held.

"Amy is actually A.J?" she abruptly broke the kiss, still surprised yet now excited.

"Go to sleep", he pressed her head to his chest. This better not be a problem for him.

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