
Chapter 323 I'll Stand By You

The two had their dinner, Amy took her prescribed medicine before getting ready for bed. She lay on her side singing and patting a sleepy Roserie who lay next to her.

"So has the situation been resolved?" Xavier\'s voice resound in Zach\'s earpiece as the latter wheeled a cart of now empty plates out of their room.

"Mm. Everything is now in the hands of the authority", Zach replied. A bodyguard took the cart and Zach walked back in, closing the door behind him before going to the sitting area, giving Amy the privacy and quiet she needs.

Xavier let out a sigh. "Are you sure there isn\'t any other reason for us to stay in hiding?"

"You sound like you want one desperately", Zach pointed out, seeing through his brother\'s plans.

"Of course not!" He replied a bit took quickly. "Why would I? How\'s Amy?"

He looked over at his woman who was still singing to their daughter. A smile subconsciously crept up onto his lips. "She\'s fine. She\'s putting Roserie to sleep."

"Sweet. I would visit you guys....."

"I know, you\'re hurt and still in hiding", Zach cut in.

"Bro! You were the one who told me!" He protested.

"Goodnight Xavier", he hang up and got up to join Amy.

"Goodnight cupcake, mommy loves you", she whispered then gently kissed her forehead.

Zach slid into bed from behind her watching the little one sleeping peacefully beside them. Amy slowly stopped patting her before she again, slowly and carefully turned to lie on her back so she could have a good look at her man. The corners of her lips lifted when she met his gaze and cupped his cheek gently.

"What\'s up?" He whispered.

"Was that Xavier?" she whispered back and he nodded in response. "How is he?"

"He sounds fine, too fine if you ask me", he replied making Amy smile. "He complained about coming out of hiding so soon."

"No surprise there. He\'s a hopeless romantic", Amy shook her head. She breathed out a contented sigh as she looked at him. "Thank you."

"What for?" He tucked some locks from her face and looked at her with nothing but love in his eyes.

"For trusting me. Yesterday", she started. "I know it was not easy. Letting me walk into enemy territory and doing what I did, it\'s not an idea even I would be okay with if the roles were reversed. But you trusted me for the sake of our family despite everything. And I thank you for that, from the bottom of my heart."

"Amy, if there was any other way that didn\'t involve you meeting them, I would gladly take that option. But it doesn\'t mean that I\'m not proud of you, that was very brave of you."

"That\'s because I love you and our family. I would do it again if it means keeping you safe", she replied with sincerity.

"I know baby and I love you too, but how about you let me worry about protecting our family from now on? That\'s all I ask. I can\'t risk losing either of you", he pulled her into is chest in an embrace.

"I trust you", she replied, hugging him back. They briefly stayed like that before he pulled away looking at her with furrowed brows. "What\'s wrong?"

"There\'s one problem I discovered today", he started making Amy raise her brows in question. "I\'m starting to question your friendship with Dr. Glynne."

"Suzy?" Amy\'s brows could not go any higher.

"I think she has something against me."

"Suzy?" Amy tried to think of anything that would imply that but she came up short. The woman had been nothing but kind to them and she\'s the same woman Zach called in because of her so...? "What makes you think that?"

Zach let out a sigh, "Why is it that every time you face a medical problem her only solution for both of us is a sex ban?"

"Oh my God!" Amy pinched her glabella.. "Wow! I knew this complain would come up at some point but I just didn\'t think..... Wow. Zachery."

"No seriously, think about it. Did you see the way she looked at me earlier?"

"She wanted to make sure you understood", Amy defended her.

"But why me? It\'s not like I didn\'t hear anything she said. That woman..... I can\'t trust her anymore. We should change doctors."

"Zachery, stop being dramatic."

"I\'m being dramatic?" He arched a brow at her before his face showed the offense he had taken.

She placed a finger on his lips and whispered once more, "We\'re being so loud, we forgot about her."

They both turned to look at Roserie to find her wide awake who blinked a few times. Amy was grateful that the little one didn\'t cry despite all the noise.

She suddenly turned her gaze to her parents who gave her beautiful smiles. Roserie broke into a gummy smile only for a second later to stop and close her eyes going back to sleep leaving the two adults with their jaws dropped.

"I should have taken a picture", Zach mused in a whisper still in disbelief at how cute his daughter\'s gummy smile is. "Was she dreaming?"

"No wait", Amy had another thought and her face lit up at a possibility. "Do you think she can finally see us?"

They both looked at each other. Was it a coincidence or did Roserie actually smile after looking at her parents? As I taking a good look at them? They both broke into excited smiles, it took one little act from Roserie to give them this special reminder: everything will be okay from now on.

But Zach had another thought he needed to discuss with Amy that he was curious about. "Baby, there\'s something else we need to discuss."

"Not about the sex ban?" She arched her brow.

"Well, that\'s still open for discussion", he said with a smile. "But it\'s something else. What Dylan said, about your mom."

He watched Amy\'s eyes express a mixture of emotions, the dominant one being confusion. He continued to prob, "Do you want to meet her?"

"Honestly", she let out a tired sigh just thinking about it. "I don\'t know if I\'m ready for that. I don\'t if she knows about me. I don\'t know... I don\'t know. After all this time... The only mother figure I\'ve known in my life was Joanne despite everything... I don\'t know."

"It\'s okay", he pulled her into his chest once more and kissed her temple. "I just wanted to know your thoughts. Take time to organize your thoughts and feelings on the matter. When you decide, whatever it is, I\'ll stand by you no matter what."

"Thank you Zachery." Amy felt so lucky to have such a man in her life. No words could properly describe the many emotions she felt towards him. She breathed in his scent and let herself relax, her mother..... Gosh.

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