
Chapter 320 Amy Belonged In Zach's Arms

"Esmeralda, stop it!" Dylan stood between them, shielding Amy from her.

"No! She did this! I\'m sure of it! So this was your plan all along, huh? Everything you said was just a trap afterall! I\'m done with you!" She shuffled her gun but Dylan stood in her way. "Move!"

"Put it away!"

"Move! She dared to mess with me! Move Dylan!" She tried to maneuver around him but he blocked her way nonetheless. The men just watched on, not understanding their squabble.


Silence. She was stunned by the new development, not just with the words he uttered to her but how angry he looked.

"Dylan..?" She uttered in disbelief. All the strength she had to shout and try to kill Amy completely vanished. "Dylan?"

"I won\'t let you", he spoke more calmly but he still shot her a deadly glare.

With the change of events, Aldo was quick to realize the truth of the situation. Filled with rage not just from betrayal but using his ex love whom he never really got over, he moved to attack Dylan.

"STAY OUT OF THIS!" she screamed making him stop in place. Hurt reflected in her eyes as she looked at Dylan who was blocking her, but she looked over at the person to blame. "You did this."

"I did." Amy slowly got up from her seat, trying not to wince from the pain. "The things people would do for money. Offer them two or three times more than they lost and this is the result."

When she hacked into Aldo\'s account through his bank, she traced the main deposits he received coming from about two different bank accounts namely Karalea Incardona and Nicoletta Gallini. Was it a coincidence that the first letters put together spelled K.I.N.G?

When Zach mentioned that they give the gangs what they want, he meant money. They had made significant losses from doing business with the dark waters and with the blame being put on Amy, they were out for blood out of frustration knowing they could not go after the King especially with how secretive the person was.

So Amy baited them with the King\'s money and only offered compensate if they could take down the King\'s organization, mainly the army. With a deposit intact, they went to Italy and waited for Amy to reveal their hideouts\' locations.

On her computer, she had set a program that was ready to receive any command she sent to it that would be interpreted as a location for where she was and where the hideouts in Italy are. Her computer would automatically send it to the gangs\' computer technicians to get the job done. And now, she was reading the results.

"You bought them out?" She scoffed. Just how rich was this girl to spend such money on that many groups?

"Yes, but not with my money", Amy smirked. "I\'m not that rich. But someone else is....." She gave her a meaningful look.

"You!" She growled and tightened her grip on the Glock and pointed it at Amy and pulled the trigger.


Dylan and Aldo screamed at the same time with the former jumping on Amy and tackling her to the ground, protecting her while Aldo did the same with Esmeralda causing the bullet to miss Amy and hit the glass window behind her shuttering it to pieces.

Amy closed her eyes tight feeling her head hurt more from making hard contact with the floor. The next moment, she felt Dylan yanked off of her and she was carried off the ground in strong mascular arm and then placed down.

She opened her eyes to realize she was hiding under the desk and then came face-to-face with a man who had a black mask on and a black cap, matching his black ensemble.

"Dylan?" She asked with worry.

"You dare to worry about another man in my presence?" He growled quietly.

"Zachery", she whined, not up for his games.

"He\'s fine." He took his gun and placed it in her hands then locked his gaze on her, making a silent promise. "Five minutes."

That was all he needed. He spotted Aldo fleeing the scene. He ran after him and quickly appeared in front of him like a ghost. From the corner of his eye he saw Esmeralda disappearing into the hallway, escaping.

Taking advantage of the distraction, he took another gun he had with him and pointed it at Zach who immediately kicked it out from his hand sending the weapon sliding far from them.

Aldo hissed as he shook he twisted his wrist. Zach kicked the gun along with his hand. Not wasting a second, he pulled out a knife and swung it aiming at his face only for the same hand to be caught in an iron grip.

"Arrrrggghhh!" He grunted in pain as his bones cracked from being twisted until the object dropped from his hand. Was he being delusional or was the man before him actually stronger than him?

\'I told Amy five minutes\', he mused as he kicked Aldo in the stomach sending him flying until he crashed against the wall and sloppily slid down.

Aldo was not a worthy opponent to waste his time on. The person in question groaned as he got up, not giving up. Someone needed to protect Esmeralda, that someone would be him.

\'I must not lose this-\'

Zach grabbed him by the collar and hit him in the face, then his throat causing the man to cough out in a choke and immediately at the back of his head, knocking him out.

"Boss, we\'re done here", Skull reported from behind him.

Zach left Aldo\'s side knowing Skull would take care of him and walked back into the office where George was keeping a watch over the passed out men and Dylan who was seated on one of the sofas with his head hanging low.

Zach went around to the desk and crouched down to Amy\'s level. He pulled her into his arms where she belonged.

The girl groaned in pain at his tight hug. He pulled away to get a good look at her to now see how deathly pale she was.

"What did they do to you?" He growled.

"Nothing I can\'t handle", she whispered.


"I\'ve been away from Roserie for too long", she gave him a weak smile. He glared at her and she confessed to getting hit at the back of her head.

"Who was it?" He was ready to kill in that moment as he carried her bridal style.

"I dealt with him already", Dylan responded, after overhearing their conversation.

The sound of the sirens now caught their attention getting closer and closer to the villa. They took the stairs, vacating the place. Amy noticed so many men lying on the floor unconscious as Zach moved.

By the time they reached the entrance, she was sure she saw over twenty in the house. To her surprise, there were more in the same state within the compound. She counted Zach\'s men, he brought only six and seven in total including himself.

"Madam", Raphy called out. "We\'re glad you\'re alright."

She smiled a him and that\'s when she noticed he was holding Esmeralda with Gomez on the other side. The girl looked angry when their gazes met but it quickly directed to Dylan with hurt reflecting in her eyes.

"All this time.....", She quietly said. She refused to shed the tears that threatened to fall, not for him who couldn\'t even look her in the eyes.

Against Zach\'s wishes, Amy got down from his arms and walked over to her. "About my mother, were you telling the truth?"

She sneered at her. "I don\'t need to tell you shit!"

"I know where she is", Dylan cut in.

"DYLAN!" she screamed at him.

The red and blue colors of the siren blared against their faces as the FBI\'s SUVs came to a stop disrupting their conversation. Quickly stepping out of the first car was a face Zach quickly recognized.

"I see you had all the fun", he commented on the unconscious men.

"Rider", Zach acknowledged as he proceeded to put Amy in the car and gave her his jacket so she was warm.

"Is that her?" Rider rushed over to have a look at Amy. He squeezed his face in between Zach acting as a barrier between him and Amy. "Gosh! I still can\'t believe it! His beautiful fiancé and baby mama is actually THE A.J! Wow!"

Amy chuckled at the comment and Zach cut him short. "I need to get her to the hospital. If there\'s anything you need to know, you can speak to Dylan."

"Of course, of course", he moved out if the way.

Zach rounded up his men and he got into the back with Amy. She allowed him to pull her on his lap and wrap his arms around her. However her gaze was on Dylan, a little frown settled on her face when she saw the look of longing on him as he watched Esmeralda being shoved into one of the cars.

"He\'ll be okay", Zach assured her, guessing what was on her mind.

"I hope so."

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