
Chapter 302 Something More

"Promise you won\'t skip your lunch", Amy mumbled into Zach\'s chest.

They stood in an embrace at the house entrance. She breathed in his scent to calm her nerves. They had done this before, bit why was his return to work so nerve wracking?

"Promise you\'ll call me if anything happens", he responded.

She looked up from his embrace and pushed herself up on her tiptoes to press her lips against his. She sighed into the kiss then broke away, their lips still glazing.

"I love you", she whispered.

"I love you." He pecked her again before they broke their embrace. He pulled on her woolen cardigan over her chest then cupped her cheek to caress it. Gomez, one of his bodyguards was already holding the door open for him. "Go inside."

She nodded and moved to peck him again before going inside. It was then that he got in the car and left with his entourage. The warm and affection Zach was gone to be replaced with the aloof and intimidating Boss everyone knew.

He took out his tablet and felt a headache coming on just thinking of getting back to work physically. He had never used his vacation days so being with Amy and his daughter, was one deserved and relaxing vacation. Still, as much as he hated the work, there was a part of him that enjoyed it as well.

"Sir?" Gomez started from the front passenger seat.

"I know", Zach answered without looking up from the tablet, his concentration unwavering.

Back at the house, Amy walked to the dining room with sagging shoulders. Stella shook her head when she saw the young woman walk in.

"Has he left?" Stella asked.

"Yeah", Amy nodded. She heard approaching footsteps and turned to see a familiar face with ashy gray hair. "Raphy?"

"Madam, may I?" He nodded towards the corridor. Amy nodded and followed him.

"Aren\'t you supposed to be with your boss?" She asked, he was always part of Zach\'s team wherever he went.

"Yes, well", he grinned. "Boss assigned me to be your personal bodyguard. I may look smaller than the guys but I\'m just as good as the re-"

Amy chuckled, "I don\'t doubt Zachery\'s decisions." And the fact that the man personally trained them and with them, she had zero doubts and a 1000% confidence. However, she still frowned and crossed her arms against her chest, "But I don\'t know if your help will be necessary, I won\'t be going anywhere."

"He said you\'d say that but I needed to remind you that when the time comes..."

Amy smiled to herselfand then nodded in agreement. They left the corridor and she went back to the dining room walking over to Richard who was holding Roserie.

"It\'s cupcake\'s bath time", she said with a smile.

He handed her over. "Go on to your mommy."

"Bring her back once you\'re done", Henry reminded. "The three of us have a game to catch."

"What are you doing to a three weeks old baby?" Victoria disapproved with a shake of her head. "Amy don\'t listen to them."

"Dear, have you bathed already? You might need help with Roserie if you haven\'t," Stella asked.

"No, I did with Za- when, when Zacherie was-" she shut up when she saw the smug look Stella was giving her. She shook her head at the woman and Victoria chuckled, finding the situation funny.

Amy\'s phone chimed. Balancing Roserie in one arm, she fished out her phone from her cardigan pocket. She silently read it and subconsciously hummed.

"Is everything alright?" Stella asked.

"Yes. Just George", she answered while putting her phone away.

"Oh! George! Goodness, I haven\'t spoken to him in forever!" Stella exclaimed. "I hope he doesn\'t think we abandoned him."

Amy excused herself while the elderly couples continued on with their breakfast. Victoria looked at Stella wide eyed in confusion. "Now why would he think that?"

"Nora", Stella replied.

"Hey", Victoria shook her head along with Richard. "Let me call him."

In West Village

The man in talks was standing in front of a wardrobe, rummaging through some clothes. He looked serious, brows knitted together, and deeply concetrated on the task at hand. He felt his phone vibrate from his trouser pocket.

"Aunt Victoria", he answered with a happy smile.

"How are you? Don\'t you miss home? Don\'t you miss me?"

He chuckled, "I\'m fine, and yes, and yes I miss you. How\'s everyone there?"

"Good. We\'re alright. Uh, Stella wants to talk to you."

"George dear", Stella\'s voice boomed into the phone. "How are you? I hope you don\'t think that I abandoned you, yeah? I know Nora can be a handful."

"No, don\'t worry", he chuckled.

He was only looking through her wardrobe trying to find a decent outfit to place on her bed before she comes out of the shower, lest she throws him into another temptation which she attempted to with every opportunity.

Stella let out a heavy such, "George, if she\'s in the room just say \'the weather is great\'."

"Stella!" A couple of voices were heard in the background.

"If you need help, just say \'its a good day for- Stay out of this Richard!"

"Stella, I promise it\'s nothing....." He started with a chuckle only for his voice to falter when he heard the bathroom door open. There she was, hair wet, a white towel wrapped around her body but still exposing those beautiful long legs.

"George? George? Say something dear!"

"I\'ll call you back." He quickly ended the call and put it away.

Nora had an amused smile seeing how dazed he was. She cleared her throat, "This is a rare moment, you and me in my room, at the same time. Planning on running away again?"

He took some slacks, a turtle neck and a denim jacket from her wardrobe and walked to place them on her bed. "Run away?"

"Acting tough now, are we?" She arched a brow.

"Dress up, then we can talk in the kitchen."

"Aren\'t we talking right now?" She started walking towards him. "I won\'t do anything to you."

"Nora", he warned. She continued on, unhurried and clearly enjoying the moment.

Another step and she yelped when George suddenly picked her up and threw her on the bed. Before she could react, he pulled on her sheets and rolled her and wrapped her in it, locking her in.

"This better not be your kink!" She glared at him. She wiggled around to free herself to no avail. "I\'m not feeling this!"

"You wanted to continue our talk", he said as he stood at the foot of the bed. When he noticed her wet hair, he went to get another towel and placed it under her head before resuming at his original spot. "So."

"So, first, this was unnecessary. Second, what\'s going on with you? You\'ve practically run away from all my advances which I didn\'t expect you to because the who point of us living together and starting whatever this was us sleeping together. Am I wrong?"

"How I wish you were wrong", he mumbled.


"Is it going to be once, twice, or many more times after the first time? We never agreed on that." He probed and she could only answer with silence, not knowing what to say as it had never crossed her mind. Having lokbg thought about the matter, he decided to be honest. "I\'m not doing this if it\'s a one time thing. It won\'t waste my time on something so meaningless."

It took her a second to process his words before her jaw dropped. "So you want something more than sex?"

"A relationship."

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