
Chapter 231 Looking At The Bigger Picture

Stella was amused by the smiles and chuckle Amy let out. The maid helped her get up with a lot of breaks and groans in between.

"Thank you", Amy said breathlessly.

"No madam."

"Were you talking to Zach?" Stella asked as the two left the gym.

"Xavier, actually."


"I think he found a girl", Amy said excitedly.

"It\'s been four days. Oh! He\'s good! What\'s she like?" Stella could not help her curiosity.

"He didn\'t say. But he\'s given me a job. I\'ll be a little busy..."

"Go on. I\'ll take care of dinner."

With that, Amy went to shower and change into comfortable clothes before getting under the sheets whilst seated. She rested her laptop on her duvet covered belly as she got to work.

She had names and their pictures. So she ran a face recognition analysis on each of the girls. Results showed all the information, age, education background, residential background, social media accounts, email accounts and their phone numbers. What she wanted was their phone numbers.

She run a program to find out which phone service they used and used that to track when last they were connected to the network. When Zach arrived, he went straight to the kitchen when he heard the clutter of plates and pots. He thought Amy and Stella were there but he only saw the latter who was in the kitchen and his fiancé nowhere in sight.

"She\'s in your room busy working on something", Stella said with a smile knowing what his silent question was.

"Thank you. How are you this evening?" He greeted.

"Good. And you? How was your day?"

He hummed in response. "What about Richard?"

"Sports highlights", she said with an annoyed face. That\'s all her husband ever did.

Zach chuckled when he heard this. The old man loved sports more than Henry did. Stella was envious of Victoria because of this fact. Zach was about to head up when Stella stopped him.

She piled up on a plate some healthy snacks and gave them to him. "Give them to Amy. It will be a while before dinner is ready."

After all, the girl had been gone for some hours now. "Thank you. Ask the kitchen for assistance. Don\'t do everything yourself."

He didn\'t want her to stress herself especially when she was recovering. Stella understood this and gave a grateful smile. "Thank you dear but I\'m fine. Go on, Amy must be hungry.

And true to Stella\'s words, Amy was indeed busy working on something. The woman had the audacity to rest her laptop on top of their child. But he would let her be. As long as she was comfortable.

She was so engrossed in whatever she was doing that she didn\'t hear him walk in but she could feel his presence. It was one nobody could ignore. He took off his jacket and hooked it ok his arm and walked over.

"Hey", he said greeting her with a kiss on her lips when he reached her side.

"Welcome back. Guess what babe?" She said with a smile though her eyes were glued to the monitor. Not waiting for a response, she gave him her phone.

"For you", he gave her the plate of snacks as he unlocked her phone with his own fingerprint.

"Thank you."

As Amy munched on her food, Zach silently read the exchange between Xavier and Amy. It explained the excitement on her face. He shook his head and placed the phone down and pecked her lips.

"Enjoy", he said and she hummed in response as he disappeared into the bathroom to freshen up.

Their last connection to the service was three months ago and thus it took a while to track down the exact location the disconnection happened. Still, she tracked it down to an area that she now discovered either had no security cameras or they were busted.

She tapped a finger on her chin as she looked at the results. She was looking at the areas topography and three red dots flashed on a certain spot showing where the connection had last been lost.

This can\'t be it. \'There is something I\'m not seeing here...\' she mused. But what?

The more she stared at it, the more it put a strain on her eyes. It was tiring but Amy was not one to give up until she found what she was looking for. There was no such thing as a dead end until she declared it a deadend. What is she not seeing from the screen?

A knock was heard and Zach who was out of the shower went to answer it. He stepped out and disappeared for a few minutes. Amy was too focused on her task to dwell on why he went out.

\'What if.....?\' she entertained her thought and typed a command, testing out her thought. She zoomed out of the area to see \'the bigger picture\'.

"Aha!" Her eyes lit up and she started laughing like a little maniac.

All she did was look at the area in whole and not just focus on that location she had tracked and voila! Guess which pharmaceutical company was a few miles from that location she had tracked?

Amy: I\'m afraid this has to do with our enemy. I\'ll explain later.

She quickly dialed for Henry\'s number after sending that text to Xavier. The man answered on the third ring. "Hot Head, we need to be ready..... I have a feeling these guys are about to make a move..... I\'ll send you a little something to your work email."

She ended the call and did so. Zach, who had left the room, came back in with their dinner. Since she was busy, they would have it in their room. Seeing the smile on her face only meant one thing.


"Yup! Ah! The answer was right in my face! All I di-"

"Amy?" He grew worried when she suddenly stopped talking suddenly held her stomach and her excitement quickly die down to be replaced with panic and confusion. Panic overtook him too as he quickly rushed to her side and set the plates on her nightstand. "What\'s wrong?"

"I... I think my water just broke."

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