
Chapter 71 Dylan Loves The Women And The Danger

Dylan gulped down his last drink and dragged his drunk body out of the club. A car was already waiting for him by the time he stepped out. He had kept a routine, arrive around nine in the evening and leave at four in the morning. The same car had been picking him up and dropping him to his apartment.

"Good morning, sir", his driver greeted him.

He hummed in response and closed his eyes immediately he relaxed in his seat. The car got a move on. The driver winded down the glass to let the fresh air in just as Dylan wanted. The night view whizzed by, there were hardly any people walking around in those early morning hours.

Dylan enjoyed the fresh breeze caressing his features. It was quite sobering. He thought about his stay in Rome, his plans; it was all falling into place. But he was curious to what Amy planned to do with all this. Even after telling him the little she knew, she didn\'t disclose her plans. Either she didn\'t have one or she was just being herself: mysterious.

"We\'re here, sir", the driver spoke. He got out and jogged to Dylan\'s side to get the door.

"Same time tonight", Dylan slurred as he grunted his way out of the car. He patted the driver on the shoulder before dragging his almost sleepy legs into the apartment building.

He reached the glass doors for the building and punched in the code. The early morning air was quickly turning chilly. He shuffled himself in once the doors slid open. He dashed for the elevator that took him to his floor. The little tune playing in the elevator was a lullaby putting him to sleep. He shook his head fighting the urge to sleep.

To his relief, the doors swung open and made his way to his room. He was grateful for the key card otherwise he knew how stupid he would look struggling to finding his keys and the keyhole. He chuckled at the thought, he had been there too many times. That was during his lowest moments in life and alcohol was his closest companion.

He pushed the door open once the key card unlocked it. The room was dark he could hardly make out anything. He raised his hand to turn on the lights when he froze.

A sweet scent of citrus fruits. He knew the scent of the detergents the housekeepers used and that scent was not among them. Without switching on the lights, he looked around the room and walked on. His drunken step was gone and he perfectly found his liquor cabinet.

"I\'m a whiskey type of guy, how about you? I\'m sure I have a little bit of everything here." Dylan picked up a glass and filled it with the liquor not forgetting to put ice in it.

A soft sigh was heard from behind him.

"You\'re careless", the person spoke.

"And you\'re fearless", Dylan responded.

"I\'ll have the whiskey", the person responded.

Dylan was already pouring another glass when he heard the response. He chuckled as he turned around walking towards the person with two glasses in hand. "I see you like it hard", his tone was full of amusement.

The person blushed when they heard this and avoided his gaze even in the dimly lit room. Dylan smirked when he saw this. He could not believe it was this easy to stir up the beautiful brunette from the club. He didn\'t care how she broke into his apartment, he wanted to know why. Although, he could guess. He gave her the glass and settled on a sofa opposite hers.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" He said after taking a sip. He stared at the person in amusement. Even when the room was dark, he could still make out the features of the beautiful brunette from the club. She had huge breats, a slender waist and long legs that complimented her hourglass figure.

"You\'re attracted to women and danger. The two things that could get you killed", her tone was void of any warmth.

"Shouldn\'t you be telling that to Aldo?" His tone was casual but she could detect the danger in his tone. His eyes that never left hers gave her a knowing look.

Her eyes widened. No one knew the club\'s boss\'s real name, they all knew him by his nickname, Sparrow. Only a few special individuals in high positions in their organization knew his information. For her, it took him months to tell her his name only because she was his betrothed and she was sworn to secrecy.

Aldo liked women. Each week he brought in exotic ones into his many clubs for entertainment and of course, for his personal enjoyment. Aldo didn\'t know she knew about the latter. It was her woman instincts and took a lot of money for her to find that out. Sometimes she thinks he let her found out to see what she would do. But that was not the issue at hand, how did this stranger obtain such information? Was there a mole in their organization? If Aldo found out about this, he would surely kill him and her, who decided to warn this stranger.

Dylan laughed when he saw her shocked expression. "You worry too much my dear Esmeralda."

"Who are you?" She tensed up when she heard him say her name.

It was like he was caressing her heart with his mouth. That mouth. She saw how beautifully it stretched revealing a nice set of teeth as he smiled. What she would give to have that mouth-

Dylan placed his empty glass of liquor on the coffee table before taking hers. He slowly emptied the contents while his eyes took in her face, travelled down to her chest area where they paused. Esmeralda felt the urge to cover her shirt covered chest with her hands but she just sat there and let him stare. She watched his gaze move down to her crotch area where it lingered for what felt like an eternity. A tingly feeling caressed her down there and she crossed her legs squeezing her thighs in the process.

Dylan was pleased when he saw this. He put down her now empty glass and stood up. "I\'d like to know if you thought for a second that I\'d let you leave this place?"

"Excuse me?" Her voice came out as a whisper without intending to.

Dylan walked over and leaned forward causing her to subconsciously lean back into her seat. His eyes were locked on hers, she could feel his warmth breath fanning her face. The smell of liquor was highly intoxicating as she inhaled it. It was now she realized that her breathing had become erratic.

"What are you doing?" She managed to strengthen her tone.

"What am I doing? Doing what you\'ve wanted me to do to you since the day I lay my eyes on you", his voice had turned huskier and was heavy with lust.

Their chests were now touching. She started to wonder if he could hear the way her heart hammered against her chest. Her cheeks blushed red from their closeness. Dylan had finally caged her on the sofa and his beautiful face was barely an inch away from hers.

"What are you talking about?" She averted her gaze hoping he would not see through her especially since they were in the dark.

So she was playing dumb, well that was about to change. Dylan smiled, but his eyes were like that of a predator eyeing his prey. Without wasting a second, he moved in for the kill.

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