先性后爱 电影

Chapter 760

It contained most of the state-of-the-art machines that would help him heal faster. One of the reasons they were thankful for Prince Alexander and his son. They had introduced this innovation in their Kingdom.

“Don’t worry, Count Wellington, Prince Lance is in good hands. We are doing our best to treat all his injuries.” The head surgeon assured him as he shook his hand.

“Thank you for taking care of my son.” He complimented the efforts of the doctors and hospital staff who had assisted his son in his time of need.

Thankfully, all the doctors confirmed that the Prince was on his way to recovery. He was glad the injuries would not have a lasting effect on his physical health except for one thing.

But it was a secret he had to hide. Fortunately, he knew the doctor who diagnosed the problem. He guaranteed to bury the problem and eliminate all the test results. Or else it would destroy all his plans. No one should ever learn about it, not even his son.

“How is he doing?” A new guest arrived at the hospital to check on his son after the doctors had long left the room.


The Count appreciated that his friend, Count Julius Ashthorne, came to visit his son. He would need all the allies he could get after this accident.

He almost had the Council and the other Lords convinced that his son would fit perfectly at the throne. But now, he felt he had to start over again. However, he was not giving up, not now, that he knew his son would fully recover.

He still had high hope that his son would be king of this country. They would finally get the title back to their family that was taken away from them through the centuries.

“The doctors assure us of his fast recovery,” Thomas answered his friend as he looked at his son, who was peacefully sleeping. “Would you like to sit down?” He guided his friend to a nearby sofa where they could comfortably talk without disturbing his son.

Although the doctors told him that he was still heavily sedated and there was no chance he would wake up soon. Still, he did not want his son to hear what was happening around him.

Immediately, his assistant provided them with some tea for refreshment, asking if they needed anything else. But he dismissed her, wanting some privacy with his friend.

“I am glad to hear that Prince Lance is doing well. The Council was a little concerned when we heard about his accident.”

Count Julius voiced what was going through the meetings he had attended recently.

Count Thomas knew what his friend was talking about since Count Julius was the head of the committee handling the succession of the throne. They were checking if his son would still fit to lead this country.

“I want to assure the Council and the King that Lance would fully recover from this incident.” He told his friend, knowing that it was one of the purposes of his visit aside from supporting him.

He appreciated that he was giving him a heads-up about what the other Council members were doing. At least he could act accordingly and take action when necessary.

“Well, there is another issue that we need to discuss.” Count Julius drank his tea and placed it back on the saucer. He looked at him as if checking his reaction.

But he already knew that there would be many issues regarding this latest accident. He had prepared to answer them all, especially now that he had science to prove that his son would still be capable of ruling after recovery.

“What is it? Tell me so I can address the issue right away.” He asked his friend, who had also agreed that his son was the most viable candidate for the position if Alex refused his title.

“It is regarding your son’s very active lifestyle.” The other Count told him as he turned his head to his son, who still was unconscious.

He knew it had been an issue with the Council. The way Lance had precariously lived his life behind the wheels. But he had already proven to them how careful and safe he was when Lance conducted his race.

The police report would also establish that this was an accident and the offending party was the other vehicle that bumped into his son. The real culprit was the reckless driver behind the wheel who had beaten the red light.

“As you can see, my son had nothing to do with the accident. He was just a victim by the circumstance, and Lance was lucky to come out of it alive.” Count Thomas was ready to plead his case or defend it if necessary.

He would not allow this slight issue to ruin his son’s life and future. Besides, he could not see in their by-laws preventing their future Kings or Kings in that matter from conducting dangerous sports.

“I can see that, but we are not talking about his sport. We understand this incident was an accident and was not done deliberately or due to carelessness.” Count Julius assured him.

“Then, what are we even talking about?” The Count was clueless about the issue at hand. He could think of several things, but that was not enough to ruin his son’s chances at the throne.

What else could his friend be talking about now?

“It had come to the attention of the Council members that your son had been dating a certain reporter.” Council Julius finally spoke what he did not expect to hear.

But it was in the back of his mind. He did not expect the Council members were aware of his son’s dating activity. It seemed that someone was taking an extraordinary interest in his son.

He wondered who it was and what his or their intentions were. Where they also seeking power or just a way to shut his wishes down?

“We all have our times of messing around when we are young.” Count Thomas tried to downplay the situation. He did not want his friend to suspect that the girl meant more to Lance than just a plaything.

“I hope so. Because as we all know, before Lance could sit on the throne, he had to present a wife that would carry the crown as his queen. It could not just be anybody.” Count Ashthorne knew this more than anybody.

When Prince Alexander first presented his future wife to the Council, everybody had to carefully scrutinize her background, assuring she would have excellent qualifications and a decent reputation.

“I assume you already know why we are strict about this. We need an heir that would come from a good family. Someone who would lead our legacy and our heritage to the future.” Count Ashthorne again reiterated what the Council members had discussed during his absence in the meetings.

“I assure you Lance knows well enough that he will have to marry someone from a reputable family.” Count Thomas smiled at his friend. “When the time comes, my son will wed the girl worthy of the crown.” Assuring his friend.

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