
Chapter 96 - Spar Between Husband And Wives.

Kurenai and Yugao dashed forward with their swords as Kurenai had red streaks on her face. She was meditating while Akihiko was talking with the bird elder.

Yugao created many new sword styles and improved her kenjutsu together with Akihiko. She started with a slash as Kurenai assisted her by making a small genjutsu to make it seem like the sword was heading in a different direction.

She knew that Akihiko could easily break obvious genjutsu so she was trying to make several small genjutsus to create some mistakes in Akihiko's movement. She then also slashed her sword towards Akihiko.

Akihiko just smirked as he moved his body slightly and hit Kurenai's hand that held the katana from the bottom. He grabbed Kurenai's katana and then blocked Yugao's attack with the katana.

Yugao quickly attacked another time as Akihiko just blocked it once again. Kurenai punched the ground with her fists as the ground cracked and rocks flew up. She quickly kicked them all towards Akihiko who just flicked his hand.

All the rocks broke and at that moment, Yugao slashed with power towards Akihiko.

"Did you two forget that I helped you in kenjutsu and taijutsu? I know all your moves."

"We know. But we're just stalling for some time."

They both jumped back as they made way for Haku's attack to arrive. Several icicles headed for Akihiko but Akihiko just flicked them. However, his legs were frozen by Haku who used the icicles as a distraction.

From behind Kushina's back, several golden chains came out as they wrapped around Akihiko.

Pakura quickly made a large fireball with her scorch style which could easily burn a person in a second.

She threw it towards Akihiko whose legs were encased in ice and wrapped in golden chains.

The intense heat of the fireball burned all the trees on the way to ashes. There was no burning. The trees just instantly turned into ash.

The fireball quickly arrived towards Akihiko whose eyes just turned purple for a second. He absorbed the fireball as the fireball just vanished.

Pakura's mouth just twitched as her attack just disappeared.

Just as the fireball was absorbed, a humanoid red Susanoo holding a long sword was riding a red nine-tailed fox.

Inside the Susanoo, Kushina and Mikoto were standing as Mikoto controlled the Susanoo.

Kushina managed to reach the Bijuu form easily as Kurumi cooperated with her. Kushina's Bijuu Form was reddish and it looked like it was made of chakra. Kurumi was controlling it together with Kushina as they both needed to be cooperating when they were using the Bijuu Form.

It was a bit hard persuading Kurumi as she didn't like being used as a mount but the conversation ended with,

"Hmph. I only allowed this because it's you."

As Kushina communicated with Kurumi using the mental link, Kurumi dashed forward towards Akihiko. Kurenai, Yugao, Anko, Haku and Pakura were protected under Izumi's Susanoo.

Akihiko stopped the Bijuu Form as a ribcage and skeletal arms formed around him. The skeletal arms pushed the Bijuu but the tails wrapped around the ribcage and kept Akihiko in his place.

Akihiko just smiled as Mikoto's Susanoo slashed at him with her sword. The next second, he already escaped from the appeared in front of Izumi, Kurenai, Yugao, Pakura and Haku.

Akihiko pulled back his right arm as Izumi immediately used her right Mangekyou ability to see 2 seconds in the future. Her eyes didn't hurt anymore as the negative effects were negated by Akihiko's seminal fluid.

She saw how the punch broke the Susanoo apart and she immediately canceled the Susanoo and had a dire look on her face. Everyone else saw this and quickly used their strength to jump away from the place they were standing at.

Akihiko punched and the attack destroyed many trees. Just the force alone destroyed around 20 meters of trees.

"Fuck, is he trying to kill us?" Yugao muttered as Anko slammed her hands down and summoned Okina Hebi, her summon.

"Izumi, use Oki as your mount."


A Susanoo appeared right around them as Pakura threw a large scorch fireball towards Akihiko. Kushina and Mikoto also gathered near the six.

"Haku, join us. You can't use your ice with Pakura there. The two of you will cancel each other."

Haku immediately jumped towards Kushina and Mikoto as Mikoto caught her.

However, to all of their dismay, Akihiko appeared in front of the eight. Golden lines formed on his face and body as he just smiled.

All of them thought, 'Oh shit!"

Haku immediately moved her right hand in a swiping motion as she created an ice wall in front of everyone.

The next second, the ice wall was immediately shattered apart, the Susanoos of both Mikoto and Izumi were broken, Anko's snake summons just got blown away as it flew 1 km away.

Before everyone got blown away, Kushina managed to catch them all and soften the impact with the tails of her Kyuubi form.

"Akihiko! Were you trying to kill everyone?!" Izumi yelled out as Akihiko just rubbed his head.

"I might have used a little more strength than I thought."

"*sigh* We're still weak." Mikoto just said that as Anko unsummoned Okina Hebi.

Everyone looked around them as they saw that the area around them was destroyed completely and the trees were all flattened.

"Akihiko, the destruction. What are we going to do?" Anko was panicking as Akihiko just waved his hands up. Trees started growing and, in a few seconds, all the trees that were destroyed grew back again.

"Eh? Mokuton? Akihiko! You have Mokuton?!" Anko was surprised as everyone else looked at her strangely.

"W-why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Everyone knows that Akihiko had Mokuton, Anko." Yugao said as Anko's mouth widened.

"Yeah, who do you think made the Sakura tree in the lake?" Kurenai asked as she shook her head.

"Wasn't it there since the beginning?" Anko asked as she tilted her head.

Everyone's mouths just twitched as they all sighed at the same time.

"Well, you all became strong but it's still not enough."

"Eh? We're probably stronger than everyone in the village."

"Yeah, you are all stronger than them."

They all felt proud of themselves and started puffing their chests and raising their noses.

"But it's still not enough. So, I'll make you all stronger." Akihiko said with a straight face.

"Are we using the usual method?" Kushina asked with a smile as everyone now got it.


A door appeared as everyone happily walked inside.

"Well, it seems like we can get some time before the kids wake up. Probably."

Akihiko just muttered before he also walked inside the door. The door disappeared after that.

The destruction was only noticed by the other birds. The bird elder was sleeping as the weed cookie was too much for him as he ate 5 weed cookies at once.


{a/n: Some things will be slightly altered to fit the scenario.}CCc

[2 hours later]

Kakashi was currently standing in front of Hanare at the cliff as they both stared at each other. They had become pretty close to each other as Kakashi made some small advancements. He even held her hand while giving the excuse that she might get lost.. in an empty street.

Hanare then started talking.

"Konoha was what I imagined my home to be. Because of that, I will not betray the place I call home. At least I can die peacefully knowing that I didn't betray Konoha."

Kakashi stayed silent as Hanare just had a sad smile on her face.

"Also, I just wanted to get this out of my chest. I love you."

Kakashi's eyes widened for a second as he wanted to say something but the words were stuck in his throat. Deep inside his mind, he still thought that he was responsible for Obito's death and reaching Rin's heart… with a Chidori and blamed himself for it.

Hanare just had a small number of tears flow down her face as she jumped down the cliff.

At that moment, Kakashi just moved quickly as he grabbed Hanare's hand, holding her and making her unable to fall.

"Why?" Hanare just said that as Kakashi replied.

"I don't know. Maybe I just don't want to see someone close to me die again."

Kakashi pulled Hanare up as Hanare finally got up the cliff again.

"But I'm a spy."

"If you think of Konoha as your home, then the people of Konoha are also your family. We should always help family."

"Thank you but-"

"You can live with me."

Hanare was surprised at Kakashi's words as she even became a bit flustered.

"*ahem* Please don't misunderstand. I'm just saying that we can live in the same house. There are many vacant rooms in my home."

Kakashi quickly gave an excuse as he looked away. Hanare started laughing as Kakashi also smiled under his mask.


Konan was currently walking around Konoha as she ate some cookies.

She was currently right near the Uchiha Compound as she saw 9 kids playing with each other as she smiled. They had a black-haired woman taking care of them.

'A peaceful life. An ordinary life. I wonder how it would feel to live a peaceful life.' Konan thought as she then dismissed the idea.

As she turned around, she felt someone tugging her clothes as she looked down. She saw a cute child with purple hair and a pair of golden eyes staring at her.

"Nyanpasu! Do you like cats?" She asked as she showed Nyanta.

'She's cute.' Konan thought as she kneeled down.

"I don't like cats but I like folding papers and making flowers." Konan answered with a smile. She was a terrorist but she still liked children. If possible, she just wanted an ordinary life without any bloodshed and war.

"Oh, I see." Renge nodded as Shizune finally arrived near her.

"Renge-chan, Akihiko is back!"

"Wah! Papa!" She immediately ran towards the house as she gave Nyanta to Shizune.

"Have I seen you somewhere before?" Shizune asked as Konan shook her head.

"I don't think so."

"Oh, I see." She just walked away as Konan looked towards where Renge ran.

She saw a purple-haired man being hugged by nine kids.

'Is he the one Nagato was talking about?' She thought before she shook her head.

'I'll come back tomorrow. Kids shouldn't be involved in a fight between ninjas or wars.'

She immediately left after that as she booked a room in an inn.


Akihiko and the family were currently having dinner.

"Ah! You guys fought without me?" Ayame exclaimed as everyone looked at her.

"Ayame, you can fight?"

"Yeah, I can. I thought I told you all about my abilities."

"Well, you just told us that you had a dojutsu named Ramengan and the fact that it's very useful. And then you fell asleep. After that, you never mentioned it again." Izumi said as Ayame had a shocked pikachu face.

"I'll explain everything later. Someone might be listening."

They all continued eating. After they finished eating, the kids were already sleepy. Mikoto went into the bedroom to read a story for them.

Everyone else continued talking with each other and telling some important or funny stuff that happened.

Naruto came back home as he looked extremely tired.

"Oh, Naruto. Here's your portion." Kushina said as Naruto smiled and waved around his hands tiredly.

"I won't eat now. I already ate dinner with Perverted Sage."

"I see. Naruto, do you still need help with the rasengan?" Akihiko asked as Naruto nodded.

" Let's go outside. I'll show you how to do it really quickly." Akihiko said as Naruto followed him.

They both arrived outside and Akihiko asked Naruto.

"How many times have you tried putting chakra in rasengan?"

"Wait, Akihiko. That's not the thing I need help with. I already know how to do it." Naruto said as he created one shadow clone.

He made a rasenshuriken in 5 seconds as he showed Akihiko.

"See? This is easy. The only thing is that the jutsu is really heavy. I also tried throwing a normal rasengan but it didn't work. How did you throw the rasengan?"

"I have already tried it 177013 times! I used many shadow clones too." Naruto yelled out in frustration.

"Wait what? How many times did you try it?"


"Well, I don't know how to explain it. You just have to control your chakra properly and keep it in shape. Then, add a small sliver of the wind chakra or any other chakra. Then, throw it quickly. If you did it like that, the weight of the rasengan will still be the same while its property is slightly altered." Akihiko explained but Naruto was confused.

"So, I just add some Wind chakra and throw it? I'll try it now."

He immediately created a rasengan and closed his eyes as he carefully added an extremely small amount of wind chakra in the rasengan. The wind just got absorbed in the rasengan and the rasengan became lighter.

'Then, throw it!' Naruto thought as he threw it as hard as he could.

The first attempt didn't work as the rasengan didn't get thrown.

Naruto kept trying for the next few minutes and after some tries, he managed to throw his first rasengan.

"YEAH!" He yelled out with excitement as Akihiko smiled.

"I'll try with rasenshuriken now." He said happily as he created some clones and made a rasenshuriken.

However, the weight was too heavy and he couldn't throw it. He looked at Akihiko who just said.

"Your physical power is too weak. You'll have to increase your strength or try to learn sage mode."

"Sage mode?"



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