
Chapter 109

‘Hmm… I guess he won’t admit that he is having a hard time…’

Poliana thought to herself secretly. Based on Sir Wook’s report, there had been an increasing conflict between the guards that belonged to Sir Jainno’s team and the guards who were back from the war. It was because many of the new guards appointed by Lucius the First during the war were of lower ranks and births. Sir Jainno’s guards were all from wealthy powerful families and they did not look kindly on the new additions to their team.

Poliana suspected that Donau was one of the low-birth guards who were being bullied, but it seemed that he wasn’t going to say anything to his adopted sister. She became upset that he wouldn’t confide in her. After all, on top of being his sister-like figure, Poliana was also his direct supervisor. Shouldn’t he tell her if he was in trouble?

‘Gosh, he likes to pretend that he’s tough.’

They spent the last 10 years together. Poliana could tell what Sir Donau was thinking. He was trying to spare her from his problems since she was on a vacation. He was trying to be kind and considerate, but it only made her feel disappointed and left out.

Not knowing how Poliana was feeling, Donau continued to chat about Sir Jainno. Donau claimed that he was initially worried about him since he was Sir Ainno’s brother, but to his surprise, Sir Jainno didn’t seem like an overly strange person. Compared to Sir Ainno, Sir Jainno was a real gentleman.

Donau explained, “Sir Ainno just hits first then explains after, but apparently, Sir Jainno hits you and explains things to you at the same time.”

Poliana asked seriously, “But then, how would you be able to hear his explanation while you are being beaten? Would you be able to hear him still?”

“I’ve never actually seen it happen, so I don’t know. I just heard about it, that’s all.”

As Poliana and the Baufallo brothers walked towards the dining room, Poliana could feel Sir Howe’s nervousness. Sir Howe always had a great respect for Sir Rabi, and to realize this man could be his future father-in-law was causing a lot of pressure on him.

Poliana thought secretly, ‘I hope everything works out.’

Since the fathers were done arranging the details, it made sense to have the future couples to meet like this, but the problem was going to be the fact that Sir Baufallo’s family was much poorer and less powerful than Sir Rabi’s. There was a good chance that the elders of Sir Rabi’s family were going to object to their union.

Tonight’s dinner mattered. Sir Howe and Donau needed to make excellent impressions on the seniors of Sir Rabi’s family.

The servant opened the dining-room door for them and Poliana was escorted to her seat. The house belonged to Sir Rabi and his wife, but today, Sir Rabi Senior and his wife were present and therefore sat at the head of the table.

When the dinner began, it was Sir Rabi who led the conversation.

“So Sir Howe, how is the knight’s order going?”

“Very well, Sir. We are at the final stage of completing it. Sir Ainno will lead it with Sir Mahogal as his aide. I was told they are already in the process of producing the flag for the order.”

Sir Rabi Senior shook his head and murmured, “Hmm… A knight’s order…”

His voice was quiet, as if talking to himself, but it was still loud enough for everyone to hear. He continued, “Mimicking the useless and frivolous southerners is not a good thing.”

Sir Rabi replied with a smile, “Father, this knight’s order will be the best on the continent! Especially with Sir Howe, he is an excellent fighter.”

Sir Howe added with an awkward grin, “Hahaha, I would never compare to Sir Rabi, however. I am flattered, Sir Rabi, thank you.”

Poliana watched sadly at how Sir Howe was desperately trying to make a good impression, his laugh sounded very uncomfortable.

‘This is not good…’

Sir Howe was indeed an excellent knight. Even Sir Ainno acknowledged Sir Howe’s fighting skills. However, Sir Howe’s biggest weapon was his social nature. He could easily befriend anyone, yet tonight, it seemed that he was too nervous.

Sir Rabi Senior asked, “Alright. So I heard that your younger brother is in the royal guard division. Is this correct?”

“Yes, he has been honored with that great duty.”

Lady Bika, who had been quiet throughout the dinner, smiled and asked, “My, what accomplished brothers, and what is your mother’s maiden name? May I ask which family is she from?”

Sir Howe froze, so Sir Donau answered instead. When the name sounded unfamiliar, which clearly meant their mother came from a modest noble family, Lady Bika’s smile became rigid. Sir Rabi Senior said quietly, “Hmm… Yet somehow, you were able to enter the royal guards.”

Was it a compliment, or was it sarcasm?

Thankfully, Sir Howe seemed to have relaxed a little. He then replied, “There is a great story behind it. You probably all know about the incident that happened in Bikpa with King Gali the Third. Inside the Yapa castle at the time of the fight, Sir Rabi and many of the knights, including myself, were trapped and unable to protect his highness. Luckily, the emperor still had a few knights with him and one of them was my younger brother, who protected his highness with his life. The emperor was very impressed with Sir Donau.”


Sir Howe further relaxed as everyone on the table seemed interested in his story. When they turned toward Sir Donau expectantly, Sir Donau said humbly, “Actually, it was Sir Poliana, who was the hero of that day.”

It would have been better if Sir Donau did not mention Poliana. Poliana wanted to stab Sir Donau with her fork for ruining the conversation.


Tonight had to be about Sirs Donau and Howe. This dinner was arranged by Sir Rabi so the brothers could make a good impression on the Rabi seniors. Poliana was only here so that there wouldn’t be any rumors about the ongoing marriage plan, which had to remain a secret for now.

Poliana currently had the same rank as Sir Rabi, which meant no one on the table, not even Sir Rabi Senior could openly disrespect her. If the dinner was about Poliana, Sir Rabi would have made sure the conversation involved only the safest and most mundane topics but of course, Sir Donau didn’t know about this. He only mentioned her accomplishment to show respect to her.

One thing Poliana didn’t know was how impressed the Acreian knights and soldiers were with her that day. She not only had the sense to keep hidden weapons on her but also risked her life to protect the emperor even when everything seemed hopeless and they were fully surrounded.

When she came out of that banquet room, she looked devastating. She was covered in blood and her dress was ripped to shreds. But her colleagues remembered her as the heroine of the day and even to this day, they talked about her with respect among themselves.

Sir Donau explained that day with all the details he could remember. How her dress was ripped, how she threw away her wig, and how she ran around barefoot.

Sir Rabi and his father listened quietly, while their wives looked horrified.

When Sir Donau was finished, Sir Rabi Senior asked Poliana, “So did you bring any hidden weapons to this dinner too? Do you have any daggers on you?”

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