
Chapter 77

Li Meng (Long Tao) breathes the fresh air outside. He had been within closed-door cultivation for a whole month (meant that he was training in the Crimson Lord world for six months.). All the concentrated was on cultivation, 9 thunder body art, and the set of skills he took from the Master and the library. The skills were Thunder claw, Thunder sword, thunder Palm, Thunder kick, and Lightning Trail. The skills were easy to learn for Long Tao because of his research and practice of various techniques since he began his path of cultivation. Long Tao was getting better and better with every passing day and his prime motive was of course the creation of his own set of techniques from all the essences he grasped. The only technique that Long Tao managed to complete was not even a whole skill but only a single move of a skill that Long Tao called the Dominator’s punch.

After learning all the skills that he could possibly get his hands on, Long Tao understood that a single move of his can be enhanced to a new level entirely when tried with a proper procedure. The single move was already enhanced to another level by now. What Long Tao desired at the moment was practical training here he can improve his power and skill level continuously. That is the reason Long Tao decided to walk out as soon as the one-month period ended. He wanted to test his capabilities in the arena of the Hall of Might. Just as he got out of the room, Li Meng was met with a surprising situation.

“Are you the new disciple who dared to challenge the prestige of Ming Ruo. You dared to challenge the princess with your puny stature. Do you even know the real power that the princess holds in her hand. “. Li Meng wanted to laugh. Piny strength. He managed to break-through the 5th level of QI master in the one-month closed-door cultivation he was in. The 9-thunder body art was at the 2nd level max. and he was about to go to his master to get the rewards. Li Meng couldn’t estimate the rise in his strength, but a weakling like a guy in front wanted to ask him about his stature and called him incapable. Li Meng wanted to crush the guy, but he controlled his instincts and waited for the situation to play out.

“I am. What business do you have with me challenging anyone., Mind your own business?” Li Meng turned to leave but was stopped by a huge crowd. “Don’t even think about leaving with giving us a proper answer. Li Meng laughed” So I have to answer you because a bunch of cowards have gathered together and are planning to gang up on me. How laughable. Does your princess depend on his bunch of lackeys to protect her and fight her challenges on her behalf? I don’t mind killing you all though.” The crowd grew angrier due to Li Meng’s taunt. They wanted him to be humiliated just like they felt. One of the guys came forward and said “I my-self am enough to beat you down. Others are not required.”

The arena-

Li Meng and the other guy were standing within the arena. The challenge was about to begin. The referee came up and asked the two to sign the agreement and then the fight was declared to have started. The guy ran towards Li Meng, trying to overpower him. Li Meng just dodged the attack and began taunting him further. The brawl soon turned into the figure being toyed with. The audience begins to belittle Li Meng, but they missed an important bit. Bu Puti who was far away watching this show began to laugh.” The boy took my advice. He started training with only one skill. Good. You will soon see the result of your training boy.”.

The fight finally came to an end when the competitor was exhausted due to out of his QI being diminished dangerous levels and just then Li Meng came forwards and landed a heavy punch on his face. The figure was thrown flying to the edge of the arena, unconscious. The audience was silent. Li Meng looked upwards and said with a smug face” Continue. Today I will crush all of your hopes and trample on your pride. I will be accepting all the challenges from now on and let’s see which one among you manages to beat me.”, The next challenger came forward and the fight continued.

The challenges were continuously thrown and ten rounds were over. Each of the opponents was defeated because of the depletion of their Qi reserves. Also, with passing time Li Meng seemed to get faster. The ten opponents were stroked unconscious. The injury was lethal to their future. They were near to being crippled completely. It was because of the depleted Qi, which disables them to maintain a Qi barrier to guard against Li Meng’s final attack. The next challenger came forward. The outer disciple seems to have given up on the hope of challenging Li Meng as the top 10 were already defeated. This challenger was someone from the inner circle. The practitioner was somewhat experienced. He didn’t attack directly but waited for Li Meng to go on the offensive.


Li Meng was impressed. Finally, someone to have used his brains. Li Meng took the attack stance and rushed out. Within no time he was directly in Infront of the challenger and used his attack technique. The lightning Claw stroked into the chest of the guy and his condition was the same as a result. Thrown to the edge unconscious. The audience was silent. Li Meng directly defeated his opponent. But the opponents were not someone who wanted to accept defeat. The nest challenger began to appear.

Half-day later-

50 rounds had passed. Li Meng was standing in the middle of the grounds unscathed. Z50 practitioners were all gravely injured and all Li Meng used to defeat them were two types of technique. One was the Lightning trail, other being the Lightning claw. The new opponents tried various methods but none were able to defeat him. Li Meng was beginning to get bored. “You people come in pairs. One of you is too weak for me. At least you might have a fighting chance if you come at me, two at a time.” The people-watching was shameless enough to accept the proposal. Li Meng was ganged up by two practitioners at a time, but all he took out was another technique, called Lightning palm to attack this time. The opponents were beaten to near death from the attack impact. Li Meng finally started to enjoy the feeling of beating these clowns to a pulp.

Another half a day passed-

The crowd was not even cheering at the moment. They were not able to even demotivate Li Meng. The initial tide had turned in an unexpected manner. Li Meng was still standing. Even his breaths were constant, with no rush in them, he wasn’t even exhausted from a whole day of fighting. The count of victims was nearing 150 by now. The normal disciple didn’t even dare to step up at the moment. Li Meng even asked them to come at him three at a time, but the lesson was learned. The mediator asked Li Meng to rest for a bit but was rejected. The opponents that dared to step up now were all on Li Meng’s cultivation level, inner disciple rankers. The brawl continued.

Li Meng was starting to feel more and more absorbed within the technique as he frequently used it. He was not only beginning to understand the essence but was actually getting better at it by every passing second. The Qi flow was far more efficient now. But he didn’t feel any exhaustion. The Origin Avatar art and his body’s natural recovery speed were far more than the usage speed of his. The speed increased with every passing period. The opponents began to get devasted by him instantly. Another day passed, and the win-loss ration stood at 300-0. The elders were gathered at the arena now. The fight was becoming a sensation.

The top ten inner disciples finally began to stand up.” You should rest for a bit and recover your strength. I don’t want my win is attributed to the fact that I overpowered an exhausted opponent.”. Li Meng looked at him, and with an unwavering tone said” I just defeated 300 opponents. You people won’t even last until 50. You have got guts to command me. I am bored by you people steeping one by one. I suggest you all step at the same time because if anyone dared to step singularly, I will cripple hi this time.”. The one ranked 10th went up and started to use the best technique she had. He was someone with a lot of pride and didn’t want to have a handicap in his fight. True to his words, Li Meng destroyed him. The fight resulted in an extremely grave injury. The medical examiner ruled it to be near death and he was rushed. He was in a coma now.

Li Meng looked at the gathered people and said” I will give the top 9 one chance. Step up at the same time. You people are not worthy to fight me one by one. I will make your final; result much worse than this.”. The student body decided upon this matter and finally, 8 people stepped forward sat the same time. “The rank 1 is not here at the moment so we 8 will ask you for teaching.” Li Meng finally gave out a happy expression.


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