
Chapter 737 - Take Him To The Prison

"No, it\'s best for me to fight him here," Arthur clenched his sword and slowly waited for Marcos to come closer to him.

In less than two minutes Marcos was already upon Arthur. The latter didn\'t move a muscle even after his enemy got this near to him.


As for his three beings in his mind, Arthur totally ignored their demands to leave. He kept his vigilance and stayed alert as long as he could endure.

And then he launched his sword attack towards Marcos.

"That won\'t work against me," Marcos laughed, "accept your defeat boy… today you are going to die by my hands."

Despite Arthur knowing such a thing, he only sneered, turned around and crossed the last remaining step between him and the new world.

"Keep telling yourself that in hell," he said in disdain before finally leaving the portal.


The moment he left, a big bang occurred. Arthur didn\'t aim for Marcos from the start, but at the intact part of the portal around.

Getting this hit from such a near distance made the shaky portal crush down without surprise. That collapse closed the path of retreat over Marcos who became sandwiched between the two crushing parts.

Arthur had to wait till the last second to pull this feat. He was worried his enemy would have something up his sleeve to deal with such a situation, and so he preferred to do it in such a surprising fashion.

Like this Marcos wouldn\'t find a moment to even absorb the shock, and that was exactly what happened.

By crossing the portal opening and getting inside the new world, Arthur couldn\'t hear anything from the portal. All he saw was the portal opening crushing over itself and vanishing from the sky of this world.

And he stood in midair, surrounded by Doaf, Amera, and other strong looking and very vigilant mages.

"You surely took your time to come," Doaf said with a warm smile.

"Detain him," yet the next shout changed the entire situation and made the smile over Doaf\'s face to freeze.

"What does that mean, grandmaster?" Amera hurried to speak while Arthur noticed the one who gave such order and the same one Amera just called as grandmaster.

She was a giant like Amera, much older than her with all these wrinkles around her neck.

However her face showed a paring beauty with Amera and other female mages around. She wore a short skirt with long fishnet trousers that even extended beyond the leather heels she was wearing.

Her dark blue eyes were brimming with life and strength while her dancing long faint blue hair gave Arthur the impression that she was standing in the middle of a violent storm and not in the same place like them.

"If not for this reckless kid here this war wouldn\'t have gone off from the beginning," the grandmaster of Amera said with a faint anger in her tone. "Because of your stupid actions and your grandmaster\'s foolish choices I lost a very good mages for no reason."

Arthur wanted to retort back at her words and defend herself, however a silent warning gaze from Daof made him say nothing.

"Take him away and confine him at our prison," the lady said with Amera\'s shocked expression, "we will make a trial for him later on to determine what best action to do about him."

"This is unfair!" Amera couldn\'t help but shout.

"Watch your tongue very carefully," yet the lady\'s cold tone gave Arthur a very bad feeling, "next time I won\'t tolerate it."

"Don\'t," Arthur stopped Amera before she would make this harder than it was, "I accept this."

Amera turned to glance in a weird way at him.

"See? Even though he realizes how bad his actions were," the lady sneered but Arthur sneered back.

"I\'m doing this as a favor for my godfather," Arthur slowly said before adding with an irritating smile, "I thought being part of the lower realms meant to be afraid of the dark mages, but never come to my mind that even the mighty clans up here are the same like us down there."

"Watch your words carefully, foolish dragonair," the lady coldly said, "or else they might be your last in this world."

Arthur wasn\'t fazed by her threat but he didn\'t speak again. The next moment one of the mages here held his arm in a violent way before pushing his dragon body hard towards the ground.

"Move you despicable dragonair," the female mage said in a harsh tone that best suited a male not a lady like her. "Your fancy prison is waiting for you."

Arthur only smiled and said nothing back while stealing a last glance at Doaf and Amera. The two looked so gloomy yet they didn\'t act or did anything.

\'That bitch! I want to kill her!\' Gege wasn\'t any less furious than any of them as she shouted in extreme rage.

\'Just chill out,\' the golden dragon said, \'once that master of his comes, all of this will be solved.\'

\'I don\'t think it\'s going to be this easy old dragon,\' Arthur thought, \'they seem to already be choosing a side in this war. Or at least that old hag wants to flip sides.\'

\'Ding! Being here is dangerous,\' the system said, \'Ding! we need to go back.\'

\'I hope things would be this easy,\' Arthur sighed, \'there is no way to travel to another world here, not to mention trying to get to the lower realm we came from.\'

\'Then what will you do?\' Gege asked with a distressed tone.

\'I will wait,\' Arthur slowly said, \'when my master arrives, I\'ll ask him to teleport me back.\'

\'Ding! Hopefully he will arrive sooner than your trial.\'

\'I trust Doaf will do the right thing,\' Arthur prayed, \'hopefully he will know what to do.\'

"Keep moving prisoner," the female mage hit him on the back with her long stick that she took out of the blue.

Arthur gave her a warning glance while he weighed the consequences if he fought with her right here.

\'Don\'t,\' yet the golden dragon stopped him, \'she is stronger than you are, and you are inside the enemy territory now.\'

\'I won\'t call them an enemy yet,\' Arthur turned his gaze away while ignoring the curses that the mage kept throwing at him.

\'I consider them one,\' the golden dragon said, \'don\'t tell me friends lock each other in prison.\'

\'Just shut up,\' Arthur said with a short laugh that made the mage on his back more furious.

"Move fast and don\'t smile or laugh," she hit him again with her stick but this time Arthur was fast enough to react to it.

"Don\'t hit me with that thing again," Arthur slowly said while grabbing the stick by one hand.

"Or… what?" the girl said in an aggressive tone that seemed to be intentionally provoking him.

\'Wait… I discovered something,\' all of sudden the all silent Gege spoke, \'they also got our forces imprisoned.\'

\'Oh,\' Arthur commented while he applied a slight force over the metallic stick he stopped. "Snap," the stick was cut into half by him before he started to move the part in his hand like he was toying with it. \'How did you know that? Wait, the tree?\'

\'Yeah,\' Gege said while he turned and resumed his flight towards the direction of that prison, \'and now I can tell you more shocking info about those mages here.\'

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