
Chapter 650 - After One Month

It was finally a calm and peaceful day after all the last epic events that happened everywhere he knew of. Arthur stood on top of his lake city walls while overseeing the lake and its beautiful scenery there.

"It was tough these days," Doaf walked to stand beside him with his huge body while sighing, "even I got overwhelmingly tired from all this."

"But you did a great job," Arthur turned to him, "the borders now are clear and all the lands inside are secured."

"Still a lot of work," Doaf wasn\'t satisfied with Arthur\'s words, "I need to rest."

Arthur only smiled as he knew in the past month he kept pushing everyone around him until the brink of collapse. Knowing this yet he didn\'t regret any of his doings.

After all he aimed higher, wanting to expand his territory here using the last crushing victory over his enemies.

"Still didn\'t speak yet?" Amera appeared all of sudden while her spear was shining brightly under the sun.

"Not a word."

Since the last fight, Arthur kept the main head of his enemies captive alive while asking her everyday about any info she could provide.

He didn\'t think for a moment to release her, but he faked his intention in doing so. But his wicked enemy was too cunning and cautious, doubting his sweet words and promises all the time.

"Sigh, if she just spoke up," Amera shook her head, "then we wouldn\'t have gotten this hard to secure the lands here."

Arthur nodded while totally agreeing with her. He knew the main problems came directly from the remaining hidden pockets of his enemies in these areas.

They kept harassing his men and attacking his newly built cities ferociously during the first week, but thanks to these two and the crow alongside them the situation got finally under control.

"We came through a long way," he sighed as he already knew how much price he had to pay to secure this victory.

The golden dragon was severely wasted and now resting and sleeping for unknown time. Even Gege didn\'t regain her former power, and needed to sleep long hours from time to time.

As for his forces… he lost almost one third of them out of the brutal fight that erupted inside the garden.

The last hours where Gege went asleep were disastrous as she lost control over the pillars and many managed to break free from the prisons.

Even his silver dragon enemy, Mera, escaped and was so close to run away except for the intervention of Amera.

It seemed she had a deep grudge against her, as according to the words of others she valiantly fought her in a very disadvantageous fight and she was persistently chasing her until Gege regained her consciousness again.

"Have you decided what to do with those prisoners inside?" the crow descended while playing a little with his golden feathers, "they are ticking bombs y\'know."

"I just hope to make them shift to the other side," Arthur sighed as he desperately needed their help in the battles yet to come.

"Take this advice from me kid," the crow seriously said, "no one will accept serving who is weaker than him."

"But I did!" Doaf felt annoyed and instantly spoke up.

"Under the words of a mighty being," the crow calmly commented and he referred to George.

"Speaking of which…" Amera turned to gaze upon Arthur, "is there any news from him?"

"Sigh, not a word."

"Are you sure that you sent the message?" Doaf asked.

"As you can see, our enemies had great losses out of nowhere," Arthur calmly said, "so there is no reason not to believe he did."

"But he took too long to come," the crow sighed before playing with his feathers once more, "I doubt he received it or else he would have been here a long time ago."

"Something must have happened," Doaf\'s eyes shone as he nodded, "I\'m sure he was delayed for a good reason."

"All we have is to wait," Arthur said, "and try to keep our advantage over our enemies."

The three glanced at him at the same moment while Amera said, "I don\'t like this tone."

"Me neither," Doaf nodded.

"Each time he said that he would follow with a quest or a hard mission," the crow complained and their words just made Arthur helplessly smile.

"C\'mon, if I don\'t depend on my friends, on whom should I depend on."

"I\'m not your friend," Amera retreated fast as if he carried a contagious disease.

"Me neither," the crow hurriedly flapped his wings and went off the distance too fast. And Amera followed the next moment.

"These two…" Arthur couldn\'t help but laugh while turning to glance over Doaf who had the corners of his eyes twitching for moments now. "Don\'t give me this look," he said.

"What look?" Arthur laughed before adding, "I was just about to invite them to the big barbecue party I\'m going to hold tonight."

"Oh this is even worse than I thought," Doaf hurriedly jumped off the walls while Arthur ran to the wall edge while shouting, "it\'s not that bad… it\'s a simple quest that\'s all."

"Then do it yourself," Doaf vanished using his inhuman speed, leaving Arthur behind feeling quite restless and annoyed.

"Damn, then I should find the two girls and try to lure them to do the task," he rubbed his chin while he started to face this trouble lately.

After all everyone was stressed out and needed time to rest, yet ruling over this empire wasn\'t ever that easy. "Or should I seek the help of him?" he thought of his werewolf before shaking his head, "he is busy securing the northern borders and attacking some clans there."

He sighed as he was puzzled as to send whom for that mission.

"They ran off again?"

He turned around to see Amanda walking in a very tight dress, slowly walking until she reached him.. "They need some rest and you too," she leaned over the edge of the walls while showing off her physique.

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