
Chapter 412 - I'm Not Your Food Delivery System!

As he finished the second sauce, he hurried to empty its content in the new containers made by the lumberjacks. At the same time he started checking what his villagers were doing.

"Amateurs, tsk," he shook his head after checking many samples.

"Everybody pay attention to what I\'ll do now," he suddenly shouted and instantly everyone stopped what they were doing. All eyes were on him while he took a long knife from one of the villagers before heading towards one piece of the meat.

This piece was covered in the silver sauce, yet the sauce seemed to be dried up, forming a layer over the meat.

"See this layer here," he cut a small piece of the layer and raised it high for everyone to see. "This is isolating the meat from getting all the great sauce you are sipping over. So," he threw this piece and then landed his knife over the meat like he was stabbing it.

"You need to crack this layer all the time, also you need to create deep cuts in the meat so the sauce could reach deeper layers of it."

He took one long spoon from another villager and started sipping the silver sauce inside the cuts he made. The sauce kept entering through the spaces he created before it filled them all and fell over the meat. "This way you will be sure every single piece of the meat will be properly seasoned."

He returned the knife and the spoon to the villagers he took from. "Now go and do your best," he added while he vanished the next moment with his cauldron.

After this time, the villager became much experienced in seasoning the meat. He also had one idea once, where he went to grab some sort of  plant he accidently stumbled upon.

It had ten leaves, each leave had ten smaller ones, so he called it the magical ten leaf plant. When he stumbled upon it, the cauldron was about to be placed on the fire, yet some of the sauce fell over this plant and the plant soaked it and kept it inside its leaves while slowly ejecting it out.

Arthur took a small bite of it and he was instantly amazed by the transformation that happened to this tasteless plant. "Great," he laughed before going on a spree to gather up a huge amount of it in an hour.

"Just stuff it into the cuts you made and it will do the rest," Arthur showed the villagers what to do with this plant. This way he was sure the meat would be properly seasoned equally all the time.

"Time to test one piece," he muttered after long hours of making sauce that was enough to satisfy the needs of his meat. "How should I cook you?" He took one piece and started thinking about how to cook it for a few minutes.

"I\'ll try the old method," he muttered before adding, "and I\'ll try to cook you inside the cauldron with the sauce," he smiled as he wanted to see the end result of that sauce with the meat together. "It must be a great mix," he nodded while starting to build a fireplace with pieces of thick wood before making a long thick stick out of one wood and inserting it into the meat.

Then he started the fire.

"I want you to keep the meat rotating and the fire at this intensity," he said to a couple of villagers standing nearby. "As for these, I\'ll gladly take," he took ten large pieces of meat before he went with his cauldron away.

He put the cauldron on the fire before filling it again with the sauce. He waited a couple of minutes after the sauce was ready to make sure the new materials he added of leaves, seeds, and flowers would be totally integrated and melted with the sauce.

"Let\'s see how it will end," he started taking the meat pieces he took. Just as he placed half of them in the sauce he stopped. "What if I let the meat take a shock of fire first, intensifying the sauce inside and outside before putting it back on the sauce?" he muttered before he decided to make this his third dish.

He took out a long piece of wood and started using it as a stick to mix the sauce and meat. He waited for two hours before he noticed the sauce was getting thicker and the meat started to show signs of being well cooked.

"I should wait for another half an hour," he said. After half an hour he tasted the sauce first. "Superb! Only lacking a touch of salt," he took out a salty ore and crushed it with his hands and let the brown powder fall into the sauce.

"What about the meat?" he took a piece of the meat and the moment he held it, it started to integrate into smaller ones. "Wow, it\'s really well cooked," he laughed before holding a piece with one hand stained with the sauce before tasting it.

The moment he did, he felt like explosions started to occur starting from his mouth down to his belly. "Wow!!" he simply was shocked with the instant and vigorous effects of the meat. "This meat… it can turn a normal villager into a mighty warrior instantly!"

He glanced at the meat and this time he didn\'t eye it as a normal meat he was making for his daily usage. "I should start turning everyone here into a warrior," he laughed before muttering, "but will the meat be enough?" This was already an issue.

Yet when he thought of giving each villager a tiny piece, he knew it would be enough to satisfy the needs of hundreds of thousands already. "I\'m not stingy, but if a normal villager took a larger bite, he might die," he muttered while trying to reason his arrangement.

"Can you distribute the meat to everyone?" Arthur suddenly asked his system.

\'Ding! I\'m not a food delivery system, y\'know!\'

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