
Chapter 7 - Forming A Team

Ron felt astonished by his master\'s strange shift of behaviour and attitude.He was starting to get anxious because Willy didn\'t start to act unlike himself until he got ill. 

However, when Ron was honest with himself he was secretly relieved and ecstatic that he had changed. For the first since Ron has known Willy, Ron had hope for the clan for when Willy would rule. 

Although Ron did admire and love his dearest friend he knows that Willy would be an indecisive leader as he already depends on Ron for so much already. 

Ron could only imagine the state of the clan if Willy kept behaving that way when he was a leader, would there even be a clan left?

"Don\'t be a sulky brat, you didn\'t have a chance at all against me,"Athur said with a  condescending tone as he broke the tense silence.

"And why were you so sure about that? You just got lucky," Madly said with a dejected tone as she was still confused and her pride still hurting that she lost.

"It\'s because he did that fascinating movement with his feet. You have to show how you did, it was amazing," Regil spoke with admiration which made Madly curl her face in anger.

"I would have loved to show you my move, but my body is weak right now so I can\'t use this trick for now. But I promise to show it to you later, deal?" Arthur hurriedly said so he wouldn\'t be asked to perform that move one more time.

He was really tired from just using this move twice in a row, if he used it a thrice then he wouldn\'t be surprised if he fainted as he had to keep blinking to get the spots out of his vision. 

Arthur heard a relentless buzzing in his ears and he was relieved to be sitting down.

"You speak like you are a mage," Madly muttered with a melancholy tone, she was yet upset from her loss.

Her words reminded Arthur that he should return to the topic he wanted to know more about, as he directed his words to grandpa Regil by asking,"I want to ask about something, why wasn\'t she tested for talents?"

Regil shook his head as he replied as Ron and Madly looked at Arthur with confusion.

"You know this sire, to do the tests you need coins to pay and we are so poor and can\'t afford it. No one actually in the clan can afford having these tests except for the Golden Lion clan royalty members."

"Hmm, that matter must be changed in the future," Arthur muttered to himself.

"What?!" Ron exclaimed with surprise.

"Why do you ask about me taking the destiny tests?" Madly asked.

Arthur smiled at the two of them before saying,"you have to wait until the time is right for me to tell you. As for you," he then turned to look at Madly, "if there were others here like you, I mean powerful like you, then I would be pleased to invite them to join me."

Madly was fiercely eyeing him silently before she asked,"what game are you playing here?"

"It\'s top secret for now, and I will tell you and others about everything when the time is right. All I can say now is that anyone that  misses this chance that I am offering will live to regret it" Arthur said with a deadly warning.

"Arrogant bastard!" Madly exclaimed in a deadly tone.Arthur, decided to ignore her as he knew fighting would just make it worse. There was a time and place to play with Madly stings.

"Listen to the young master and go bring that little gang," Regil said as he lost his patience with her.

"Grandpa!!" Madly said with surprise, "I\'m your granddaughter so it\'s logical for you to interfere in my life, but these are my friends and you have no right to tell them what they should do."

"Little girl, listen well to me or else.I will go to their houses and grab them by their hair.. You are this gang boss, and now you belong to this  man, and so do they.Don\'t act innocent with me as I know everything that you do," Regil said in a threatening tone.

"Grandpa! That\'s not fair, besides I don\'t belong to anyone!" Madly was really mad as she stood up and faced her grandpa as steam practically came out of her ears.

"Don\'t speak nonsense and move your lazy ass!Gather up the gang right now," Regil then turned towards Arthur, "I\'m sorry young master, my granddaughter\'s temper is a little hard to get adapted to, but she is capable and her little gang are also like her."

Madly just stood there glaring at her grandpa and then ran out of the shop.Arthur intended to give a promise, a vengeance-aid promise, however as she was being difficult he has decided to postpone it to later.

As for  Regil, he excused himself and resumed collecting arrows. He was now working with more energy, as he knew these arrows would be a great help to his granddaughter and Arthur. 

Regil wasn\'t a fool, he realized how unique Arthur was. What he didn\'t say was that he actually met this young master a couple of years ago, back when the talent tests were running.

The person he saw was exactly as the rumors said he was,a weakling, but that was not that the man he saw in front of him. While the man looked fragile with his weak arms, he had a strong and determined head on his shoulders. 

Regil could see the Golden Lion clan advancing in the future through being under the control of Willy.

He also sensed the interest of this young master towards his granddaughter, an interest this old man would prefer to see deepened further if possible.

Arthur sat alone with Ron who was still quietly staring at Arthur and it was making him frustrated. "C\'mon, if you want to say something just say it," Arthur said.

"I want to say much, as you are acting very differently to the Willy that I know. I don\'t know who this man that is sitting beside me is,""Ron said with a wink.

"Is this good or bad?" Arthur faked ignorance as he asked  his friend.

"Well, it depends," Ron replied.

"On what?" Arthur asked.

"Are theseA changes persisting or not?" Ron questioned with a smile.

"Well, I think it\'s safe to say it will persist," Arthur said as if he was pondering something. 

He knew his new personality might be suspicious to anyone close to him, but if he managed to make Ron accept his new self, then he would eliminate anyone that could be a source of trouble for him.

"If so then then this will be bad," Ron said with a chuckle as he patted Athur on the back. The small pat made the body of Arthur ache, but Arthur didn\'t show this on his face as he knew Ron did it on purpose.

That didn\'t matter now, as what really mattered was the fact that Ron had believed him. One trouble was evaded successfully for him and one trustable ally was added to his entourage.

Their little friendly talk extended to another important question that was raging in the head of Ron for a while now, as he said,"may I know what my esteemed little friend here intends to do with the bow and arrows? With the gang and the… Girl?"

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