
Chapter 33 - Not A (will Be Erased Before Next )

Yo guys, I'm back. It took longer than expected to start writing again cause I got a friend's recommendation and have been reading fanfic, hahaha. Well, here's your chapter.

PS: I don't know if there's going to be a chapter every day since I've been taken into writing a multiverse story, more of a slice of life one, travels in worlds such as One piece, naruto, etc., for X chapters till I'm tired and moving on with the girls, friends and whoever he wants to bring along. The MC would have a hoarder personality as he would collect devil fruits, etc., from the different worlds before moving on, haha. It would be different, easier and freer to write, which is why I plan on writing that :) ​​


The following morning, Aidan woke up with a dishevelled Ais using him as a body pillow and a wet shirt full of drool and looking at the time through the window. Seeing the sun already up, he figured it was about eight in the morning.

Hugging Ais and rolling her over on her back, the boy liberated himself from her hug and went to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

Unbeknownst to the silver-haired boy, a gentle smile appeared on the face of the girl who pretended to sleep.

Cleaning up rapidly, Aidan went to Ais, who continued to pretend as he gently shook her awake.

"Hmmm." Said the girl as she slowly opened her eyes to see Aidan looking at her. "Ais, it's already late. We will visit Orario in an hour. I'll go to the meeting with Loki and come back later." He explained as he put back the cover on the girl before leaving the room with a grin. Happy on his petty revenge.

'You can't hate me for this, Ais. I told you, as long as you drool on me, I'll continue to wake you up early.' Thought Aidan as he thought this was a good way of revenge, unknowing that she was already awake.

Walking up the stairs after taking a small breakfast at the cafeteria, Aidan knocked on the bedroom doors of the goddess of trickery.

"Enter." Said a feminine voice in the room.

"Good morning Loki-sama." Said Aidan as he walked inside the room to meet the goddess.

She was wearing her ever blue and black clothes.

"Good morning Aidan. Did you sleep well?" She asked gently before grinning. "I heard that you and Ais are now always sleeping together. It must feel great to wake up in her arms, huh?" She asked as she wriggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"Yes, I slept well, thank you." Nodded Aidan, ignoring her second comment as he learnt from Riveria. Looking around the room, he took a seat on the sofa near the bed of the goddess before looking at her. "What can I do for you?" He asked directly as he was aware that she had others things to do.

The goddess then started to explain the card she hoped he could create.

"Hum, it should be possible." Nodded the boy as he immediately summoned his deck of cards and started creating the required card.

Over the two weeks, Aidan had discovered that the word wasn't the most important in the card but the intent behind the word. The word would represent what he wanted.

Meaning, if he imagined a colossal fireball when writing the word fireball, it would cost him more magic to create a single fireball in the card since it would be a huge one. Consequently, if he imagined a small fireball, as huge as his fist, it would cost a lot less magic.

Aidan counted on this discovery to add the wanted applications on the card.


Half an hour later, after a few unsuccessful tries, Aidan finally made the card asked. "Here's the card." He said as he handed over the card to Loki, who examined it without understanding a thing.

When Aidan worked, she had taken her time to clean up, eat and rest.

"So this card can determine on which floor is the adventurer if he his alive and a small recording of before he died in the dungeon? It can also link with the map card to show the adventurer's exact position." Confirmed Loki as she didn't want any error to happen since she would be showing it at the Denatus later that day.

"Yes, there won't be a problem. As long as the target allows a drop of blood to fall on the card, the person will bind with the card. I inserted enough magical power into it to work for a year. Afterwards, they will have to replenish it." Explained Aidan as he understood the goddess's goal.

"Perfect. In that case, I'll have to trouble you to copy many cards later this evening. We will start selling them tomorrow during the Monster Filia if you can prepare everything tonight." Finished the goddess as Aidan got up and understood it was time to leave her bedroom.


Back in his room with breakfast ready for Ais, he saw that she had once again fallen asleep. However, this time Aidan didn't wake her as he started preparing the items required for the next day.

Moreover, it was pretty easy to do since he used his copy card to copy everything and use his charge card to prepare everything.


"Where did you want to go and visit today?" Asked Ais as the two walked outside of the familia manor.

"Well, I was thinking of simply walking around a bit to locate every shop close to the manor. Afterwards, I wanted to go and take a look at the guild building. In the building, it is said that there are quests for adventurers to complete. I figured it would be different than simply going down the floors and killing monsters again and again." Explained Aidan as he bought some snacks from a stall.

"Alright. I would also like to see the Hephaestus familia shops. I heard from the old hag that only the worst blacksmiths work in the tower. On the contrary, the shops surrounding the Hephaestus familia are the best ones. Even the goddess's forge is there." Said Ais as she wanted to go and see for new and more powerful weapons.

"Perfect. In that case, let's visit the city while going towards the Hephaestus familia, and we'll go to the guild at the end to see it before going back."


Walking for a few hours around the city, taking in the sights, the two youngsters found themselves in front of a very dilapidated church.

"Hum, why is there a church here when the gods are walking amongst us?" Asked Ais as she tilted her head in confusion.

"Maybe civilians used it in the past for some gods who didn't descend yet? Well, the church was abandoned, and it's pretty easy to see why." Laughed Aidan a bit before shaking his head.

"However, while it's pretty broken down, it's a pretty good location." Said Ais as she looked at the open surroundings. "It is pretty rare to see a large land of grass and nature. There's even a small pond behind the church." She said, still surprised that the church hadn't been renovated or taken down yet.

"Well, we can come back here some time to relax." Nodded Aidan as he also liked the quiet and peaceful atmosphere around the church.

"Let's go." Said Ais, taking his hand as he was about to lie down on the grass to relax in the sun.

"Right, let's go." Laughed Aidan as they made their way together towards their destination, the Hephaestus familia forges and shops.


"Well, here we are." Said Ais uselessly as there was a large banner at the district entrance which represented the familia they were searching.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." He laughed as his companion pinched his waist with a pout on her face.

"Alright, alright, let's go." He laughed as he pulled her towards the shop she was so interested in visiting.

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