
Chapter 241

When the expedition team were led to the plains by the long-distance patrol, they saw it was so packed with soldiers that it wouldn’t be strange if they were preparing for war.

“It’s the Adenstein heavy infantry and the Royal cavalry corps, sir.”

The infantrymen holding massive shields that could cover their entire bodies were the heavy infantry of the Royal Adenstein Defense Force while the men wearing bright red coats sitting atop purebred warhorses were the elite members of the Royal Cavalry.

“The Royal Guards and the Central Knights are also here, sir.”

It was such a tremendous power that, even if there was an all-out war, they would not lose. However, all of this didn’t feel excessive. The person they were protecting was worth all this protection.

Amongst the flags indicating the affiliation of each corps, there was a golden flag that was flying higher than the others, and that flag was the reason why the most elite people of the kingdom had gathered here.

It was the royal flag symbolizing the House of Adenstein, the ruling house of Adenburg. 

Tap, tap.

The heavy infantry that was blocking the center moved out of the way and created a path while the grandly dressed Royal Guards and the Central Knights stepped forward in front of the ranks.

And when they also stepped back to either side, a woman appeared on a pure white horse without any blemishes. 

Ophelia Laurel Ro Adensten, the next queen and current regent of Adenburg, had appeared.

“I, Heinrich Paulgram Reinhardt, have faithfully carried out my orders, Your Highness.”

Marquis Reinhardt dismounted from his horse and knelt down on one knee.

“Well done.”

Ophelia praised the marquis for his hard work with a solemn expression. Then, she slowly turned her head.

“I, Seon-Hyeok Rheinperle Kim Drachen, greet Her Highness the Regent Ophelia Laurel Ro Adenstein.”

Even as he knelt on one knee to greet her, his heart ached.

He had gotten a glimpse of her before he bowed his head. Ophelia’s face had become so emaciated that it was incomparable to how it was before he left. 

He didn’t know whether it was because of the heavy burdens as a regent, or if it was because she had been worried about her husband who had gone around causing trouble. 

He could only feel apologetic over and over.

Clipclop clipclop.

Despite there being over a thousand troops, the plains were so quiet he couldn’t hear anyone breathing. And in that quiet, he could hear the clack of the horseshoes.

Soon, even that sound disappeared and he could sense Ophelia dismounting. And with the soft footsteps, he saw a beautiful colored dress appearing before him even as he kept his head down. 

“Lift your head.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Kim Seon-Hyeok raised his head as he answered. He stared at her wide-eyed.

He was shocked because Ophelia was so close to him that if it were winter, her exhaled breath would touch him. 


Looking at her this closely, he could see that time had flown. And during that time, she had changed so much.

She was just as beautiful as before, but she had become mature in every other aspect that it was difficult to recognize her.

If someone were to ask him how she had changed, he wouldn’t be able to answer, but the atmosphere around her was different.

It was to the point that he could no longer remember her childish appearance from when he had first met her.

But now wasn’t the time for him to enjoy the reunion with her. She began talking to him, almost reprimanding him.

“It took a while.” 

Her voice was full of reproach as she sighed out her words. 

“I’m sorry, Your Highness.”

He was obviously guilty of leaving his newly wed bride to wander far away and return after more than a year. Even if he had ten mouths, he wouldn’t be able to say anything.

“I didn’t say that because I wanted to hear an apology. I’m not so narrow-minded that I would reproach the knight who has devoted himself to the well-being of the continent…”

Ophelia had been calmly whispering words that clearly held a different meaning from what she was actually saying, when she suddenly closed her mouth.

“Your Highness?”

She had closed her mouth but her expression was unusual. Her pale face seemed to express shock, and in a way, she seemed extremely angry.

“How did you get such a terrible wound on your face?”

Her subtly trembling voice told him how much she was suppressing her emotions right now. But that was why Kim Seon-Hyeok felt his heart pounding more. 

“Answer me. I haven’t heard about such an ugly wound on your face in any of the reports.”

When her voice became even lower, Seon-Hyeok closed his eyes. 



The knights of the Royal Guard spread their capes swide and surrounded Ophelia and Kim Seon-Hyeok. With that, the knights had created a wall between the two people and the soldiers. 

From behind the red curtain, Seon-Hyeok could feel Marquis Reinhardt and the others stepping further away.

“I wanted to hear about everything once we got back to the castle, but now that I see your scar, I must hear your answer now.”

At Ophelia’s grim voice, Kim Seon-Hyeok dropped his guard and honestly explained everything that had happened. Of course, the explanations and results had to be brief because of their location.

Ophelia didn’t respond after she heard everything. 

While she knew there was a fierce battle, it was only after she had personally seen the scar across his face that she properly understood the ferocity of the battlefield. 

“You almost went blind.”

After a while, she finally answered coldly, but there was a sense of deep concern in her voice.

“Unlike what it looks like, it’s not actually a deep wound. The scar hasn’t completely disappeared because the demon’s poison was strong.”

It was a lie. He had almost been blinded by this wound, but, he didn’t want to add to her worries by saying it so straightforwardly.

“How foolish. Just how important was that dragon for you to risk your life like this?”

Kim Seon-Hyeok sighed in relief when she relaxed a bit.

“I hope that this is the last bit of recklessness I see from you.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, Your Highness.”

Seon-Hyeok thought he could escape this situation much easier than he had worried about. But that was an illusion.

“Which one is Najima, the Qeisha?”

He had overcome one difficulty, but he still had a bigger one.


“Are you the one called Najima?”

There was no way a noble and royal lady would grab a Qeisha woman by the hair while shouting.

“You are dismissed.”

After summoning Najima and looking at her once, Ophelia didn’t show any further interest in her.

For Kim Seon-Hyeok, who had prepared all kinds of excuses, the reaction was so bland that it drained him of energy.

However, that didn’t mean Ophelia was satisfied with Najima. Ophelia’s gaze as she looked at her clearly showed signs of displeasure.   

“Traditionally, there are many meanings to ‘companion,’ but you and her will be no more than colleagues.”

“The Qeisha’s laws that Najima follows says that it does not necessarily contain the meaning of lover. I think of her as a colleague as well, and have never thought of her like that.”

Although Seon-Hyeok and Najima had gone through many things in the west and formed a deep bond, the feelings between him and Najima were quite different from those of lovers.

For him, Najima was nothing more than a reliable partner. 

Ophelia seemed to like his firm answer as her expression visibly relaxed.

However, Kim Seon-Hyeok couldn’t relax. He had caused so many issues that he didn\'t know what he would be reprimanded for next.

Fortunately, Ophelia didn’t scold him any longer. 

This was the plains outside the royal capital, it wasn’t a good place to continue talking. 

In a way, Kim Seon-Hyeok could be considered lucky. Ophelia wasn’t the type of person to point at something she had already scolded for before. 


“Our Adenburg welcomes your clan’s visit.”

Having finished her reunion with Kim Seon-Hyeok, Ophelia welcomed the Qeishas.

“Our reception of our guests may seem inhospitable, but there were things I had to deal with so my conduct may have been lacking. Please excuse me for it.”

“We understand each other’s differences. My clan has no complaints about this.”

Although there were hundreds of knights exuding fighting spirit, the atmosphere between the elder Qeisha and Ophelia was gentle from beginning to end. 

Which made sense since there was no way a blood relative of the Adenstein Family, a House that valued talent, would kick away a pumpkin rolled in on its own, vines and all.[1]

“We will have to have a heart-to-heart conversation, but I promise on my royal name, Adenstein, that I will generously help you and your clan settle in this land.”

Elder Qeisha’s gaze briefly landed on Kim Seon-Hyeok.


When he nodded, the elder finished the promise.

“For as long as the Mother Tree is green, my clan will never forget today’s promise.”

It was a short conversation, but since the Qeisha and Adenburg were in agreement, there was nothing to be unwilling about.

“Welcome to the royal capital of Adenburg.”

Ophelia confidently allowed all the Qeishas to enter the capital.


It was unavoidable that Marquis Reinhardt’s expression hardened like stone as he watched from the side. 

“All troops, stay in formation and head to the royal capital!”

Although there were some events, Kim Seon-Hyeok and his party was finally able to enter the royal capital of Adenburge after more than a year on the expedition.


“As Seon-Hyeok Rheinperle Kim Drachen has finally returned, all citizens of the royal capital will welcome the return of the legendary knight!”

The castle gates opened and a trumpet rang out.

“Wah! Indomitable Duke! Indomitable Duke! Indomitable Duke!”

The citizens roar their greetings. 

Although the battle had taken place in a distant foreign land, the Indomitable Duke and the expedition team had caused the Adenburg’s name to be known all over the continent with his brilliant contributions, they had been greeted with cheers like no other. 

The citizens welcomed back the knight of this expedition, someone who could not be found in history, with endless cheers.

“Long live Adenstein!”

“Long live the Storm Knight Drachen!”

“Long live the Indomitable Duke!”

Ophelia looked very proud of the enthusiastic cheers. She seemed very pleased that the citizens were enthusiastically welcoming her spouse.

Kim Seon-Hyeok let out a sigh of relief when it seemed like Ophelia became gentler. He believed he finally got past his biggest worry - the final barrier(?) that was known as Ophelia. 

But it was too soon for  him to relax.

“We have a lot to talk about when we return.”

He had an awkward expression at the vague threat when he thought Ophelia had let go of her anger.


“The Indomitable Duke is back!”

“What is to come finally came!”

The moment Kim Seon-Hyeok passed through the gates of the royal castle, the capital’s nobles became busy.

Some planned to raise their position in the future by becoming friendly with the Indomitable Duke, while others wanted to discuss what would happen with the emergence of the sharp royal sword, otherwise known as the Indomitable Duke. The nobles were all busy with their own calculations. 

And while the nobles hid and conspired, the kingdom’s giant began to move.

Marek Schnail Roachim

The man who rarely left his estate that he was called the Reclusive Duke opened the locked doors of his estate.

“Hooray for the Indomitable Duke!.”

The capital’s citizens shouts of the Indomitable Duke’s name burrowed into the Sword Star’s ears.

“The Indomitable Duke…”

The corners of the Sword Star’s mouth rose as he looked at the tall royal castle of the Adenburg in the distance.

“I will check for myself whether he is worthy of his name.”

With that small murmur, the Sword Star headed straight for the royal capital.


The time that stopped in the Adenburg’s capital while Kim Seon-Hyeok had been in the central region finally began to flow again with him in the center. 

1. In this metaphor, the pumpkin is the Qeisha.

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