
Chapter 431 - Attack The Soul

Numerous greater wind elemental abominations exploded due reacting to the fire element. Some manage to conjure up shield but the assassins in the group were not lucky. One of the tanks also sacrificed his life to protect Anastacia, Cersei, and Mariposa.

The group is reduced by three members. It was not Soleil\'s sole fault but Sylphis attacked them under the guise o the explosion. The Higher Elemental was also damaged by the flames, but it was not lethal to it.

"This place is too narrow which means we are an easier target than the higher elemental." Vayu complained as he blew apart the smoke that filled the area.

The whole party is riddled with injuries as a result of the large explosion. Soleil felt sorry for what she had done and expended three fourths of her health to defend everyone from the fierce explosion. She might not know it, but the others do not blame her because everyone makes mistakes.

Amidst the chaos comes order as Kabrakan\'s shield has actually changed. It was made of bronze metal at first, but it started to become encrusted in diamonds. Kabrakan laughed despite the large damage that he got because his two large shields finally evolved.

The battle between Vayu and the Higher Wind Elemental has become more difficult due to the former receiving damage. Adrian decided that he needed to join the battle as Vayu needs someone to assist him. 

"Paradox, Summon the Sword Primordial Armament." Adrian stated and his weapon emitted purple lightning.

"Sirius, follow up with me. Twin Fang form." Adrian stated as he joined the battle with the Higher Elemental.

The others had to take care of the greater wind elementals that are still constantly getting spawned. Adrian in his twin fang form could just about keep up with the higher wind elemental. Sirius could keep up, but he could not catch Sylphis using his shadows.

Sirius could also not make the enemy bleed because of its unique composition. The enemy is made up of magical particles of the wind element. Although, something that is prevalent from the shadow element which is a subset element of the dark element is that darkness can capture everything.

All Sirius needed to do is catch the Higher Wind Elemental and they would be able to focus all their spells to it. Kabrakan is also eagerly waiting for this chance as his upgraded shield has a skill that deals a large amount of earth element to an opponent. 


Sylphis is a tricky opponent because it slips away whenever they are about to catch it. Adrian wanted to use Chrono Lag on Sylphis but temporal spells are difficult to cast. The time element is still unstable in the area. 

If Adrian forced himself to cast the temporal magic, then he could create temporal quakes. He could not even buff himself with Chrono Shift in order t become faster than Sylphis. 

"The only thing that I could do is buff myself using the energies that I have in my body. Thankfully, Primordial Essence is much more powerful compared to Soul Essence. Soul Essence can only buff one state per use, but his Primordial Essence could buff all his stats per use.

"Use a hundred of mt Primordial Essence and all of my Nether Energy. Let us see if I could not match that higher wind elemental." Adrian thought to himself.

Primordial Essence covered his body while Nether Energy covered his weapons. Adrian vanished from his spot while the grinning Sylphis enjoyed his fight with the struggling Vayu. The group is now forced to decide if they want to reserve their skills or use them sparingly.

Sylphis grinned with each exchange with Vayu as it relished in the suffering of its opponent. Sylphis was an ordinary higher wind elemental until it became infected with something. The one to infect Sylphis is none other than Cristobal. Cristobal would not have been able to abduct that many elementals without the aid of another elemental. 

Adrian who disappeared appeared right behind Sylphis which spooked it. Adrian brought down the sword in his right hand in order to hit Sylphis but the latter became wind. Adrian did not stop his attack as he activated his evil eye and locate the soul of the higher wind elemental.

Wind elementals can scatter their body into gusts of wind. In fact, all elementals can do just that but there is a catch. Any being might be able to scatter their material body, but they cannot split up their soul. 

Adrian is using that weakness to get a decisive hit on Sylphis. One thing Adrian is certain with his weapon is that the Primordial Armaments deal greater damage to spiritual entities. It could be said that his armaments were specifically forged to kill enemies without true living bodies.

Adrian saw a flame like entity whizzing through the air and decided to immediately attack that. A loud scream suddenly erupted as soon as Adrian hit the flame like entity which is Sylphis\' soul. The one who shouted in pain is none other than Sylphis as its body came together.

Adrian might have not used his full force with that attack, but he managed to shave off 5% of Sylphis\' total health. Adrian was thankful that his risk paid off as he now has a counter when Sylphis would turn its body into gas. The downside is that he used all his buffed time to make it work.

Adrian became the target of Sylphis\' attacks as the knowledgeable entity would target anyone that poses the most threat to its existence. Before Adrian could react, Sylphis is already in front of him. Adrian raised his swords to block the attack, but a literal tornado blew him away.

Adrian crashed into the wall while Vayu and Sirius tried to help him. Sylphis suddenly held out its hand which made Vayu shudder because the Higher Wind Elemental is now serious. It was now going to summon its weapon.

"Come out, Brise!" Sylphis stated as harsh winds started to flood the area. Wind blades started to slash even the walls and kill off the greater wind elemental abominations.

"Charon, use Soul Prison!" Adrian commanded and the coffin opened. Numerous chains latched onto the remaining party members and pulled them inside the coffin. If Adrian did not decide quickly then the raid would have been finished then and there.

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