
Book 2: Chapter 14: There is no return from this

Although Chen Country is small, it has a famous dangerous place called "Wuhui Valley".

No one can say for sure where the danger of Wuhui Valley comes from, but as the name suggests, anyone who enters Wuhui Valley never returns.

In the morning mist, a woman with long hair walks on the mist and enters the valley.

She wears a mask without facial features, which is very strange, but her figure is extremely beautiful.

The valley is not as fierce as people imagine, but rather peaceful. There are beautiful flowers competing for attention and the sound of flowing streams.

In the center, there is a wooden house.

A small stream flows in front of the wooden house, and several chickens are leisurely walking on the bank. A yellow dog lies in front of the door.

The woman with long hair stands in front of the wooden house and shouts, "Boss!"

The voice is too loud, startling the yellow dog, and the chickens flap their wings.

After a while, there is still no movement in the house.

The woman seems to be used to it and is about to shout again.

With a creak, the wooden door opens, and an old man with white hair walks out.

He seems to have poor hearing and has difficulty speaking.

"Here? Yanzi," the old man says.

"I\'m here!" the woman with long hair shouts, "Don\'t call me Yanzi anymore!"

The old man nods, "Yanzi, Xiaoxiong sent me a letter before, with a drawing of a dog. Does he... want to eat dog meat?"

The yellow dog whimpers and runs to the back of the house with its tail between its legs.

"I don\'t know what year you\'re talking about," the woman with long hair sighs and shouts, "Xiongwen has been dead for several months! Fenglin City is gone!"

"Xiongwen is dead?" The old man seems to not have realized it.

"Boss! He\'s been dead for months! Fenglin City is gone!" the woman repeats.

"Xiongwen is dead, I have to go and see... I have to go and see..." The old man\'s lips tremble for a while, then he says, "Yanzi, you go and see."

"I just finished something for you!" the woman with long hair mutters under her breath, but in the end, she raises her voice and says, "Alright, Boss!"

Unlike the old man who is slow, she stomps her foot and leaps into the mist.

The morning mist disperses and gathers again.

After a while, the white-haired old man pauses for a moment before scratching his head. "What was I going to say?"

"Forget it." He gives up decisively and turns back into the wooden house.

"Rest in peace in your lifetime, so you can sleep well after death."


Time continues to move forward steadily.

The construction of the small circulating realm achieves the circulating realm.

The rotation of the large circulating realm marks the arrival of the Perfection Realm.

After many days of traveling, passing through some countries without mentioning, he has now entered the Qi Realm.

In an unnamed small mountain, Jiang Wang sits on a giant stone.

Inside the Circulating Palace, nine clusters of star rivers rotate endlessly. Three clusters of star rivers form a small circulating realm, suspended in the Circulating Palace.

The first small circulating realm encompasses the sun, moon, and stars, traversing the heavens and earth, boundless in the universe.

The second small circulating realm encompasses mountains, rivers, and the earth, witnessing the changes of time.

The third small circulating realm contemplates oneself. Along the way, he ponders where he came from and where he is going.

After traveling thousands of miles, his Dao heart has been honed like a sword.

He completely understands his thoughts, actions, and aspirations, and will continue to follow them consistently.

The heavens are the stars, the earth is the mountains and rivers, and humans are their own bodies.

The large circulating realm condenses this vast artistic conception, encompassing the three realms, and rotates in a circulating manner.

Finally, he has achieved the Perfection Realm!

Although the sky is clear, he hears rumbling thunder.

Upon careful sensing, it is not the thunder of the heavens and earth, but the rumbling coming from an unknown place.

Behind him, the void faintly reveals a tall and majestic gate. It is the reflection of his physical body, a milestone on his cultivation path!

There is a gate between heaven and earth, and humans are the gate.

The time is the 3918th year of the Dao Calendar, the third day of the third month.

Jiang Wang has achieved perfection in his cultivation and officially entered the Perfection Realm.

To be able to see the gate between heaven and earth does not mean he can directly push it open and have his Dao veins soar like a dragon.

He has only just seen the gate between heaven and earth, and the details of the gate have not yet manifested.

Moreover, from seeing the gate to pushing it open, it is a qualitative change.

Furthermore, the upcoming Heavenly Mansion Secret Realm only allows cultivators below the Soaring Dragon Realm to enter.

Any powerful cultivator who pushes open the gate, no matter what secret method they use to conceal it, will cause the passage to collapse the moment they enter.

This is something Zhen Wudi repeatedly reminded him of.Jiang Wang now knew the real name of Zhen Wudi. This fat man came from the prestigious Zhongxuan family of the Qi Kingdom, with a single character name, Sheng.

Previously, he was far away in the Zhuang Kingdom, ignorant of the world. On his journey, even before reaching the Qi territory, the reputation of the Zhongxuan family had already resounded like thunder in his ears.

It also let Jiang Wang understand what a real aristocratic family looked like, far beyond the so-called three big surnames of Fenglin City and the Lin family of Wangjiang City.

Upon reaching the Tongtian Realm, the capacity of the Tongtian Palace increased again, and a new instant Dao technique could be engraved.

But Jiang Wang could only put it aside for now.

For his offensive, he had the Yanhua Dao technique and the Purple Qi Donglai sword technique.

Defense relied entirely on the Four Spirits Refining Body Decision to resist. He had made no progress in escape techniques.

Although the Bone Escape Technique was powerful, he dared not use it again.

The problem now was that although he had a Yan Dao platform and had accumulated merit, he lacked a suitable Dao technique as a basis for deduction. Even a clever woman can\'t cook without rice.

This was one of the drawbacks of losing a stable environment.

There were no longer any teachers to solve his doubts, and no Dao techniques left by the sages for him to choose from.

But no matter how difficult the road ahead was, it could not stop him from moving forward.

Jiang Wang and Zhongxuan Sheng had already agreed on a time in the Taixu Illusion.

After breaking through to the Tongtian Realm, he did not stop, bypassing cities and inns, and rushed to the agreed place at the fastest speed.


In the coastal county of the Qi Kingdom, there was a small city called Tianfu City.

This place was originally just a small fishing village. Since the old man of Tianfu left a secret realm here, a large number of cultivators gathered here every time the secret realm was opened.

At first, it was naturally chaotic, each showing their abilities, and it was quite a mess. Later, the Qi Kingdom officially set rules and allocated quotas to each party, which solidified the process.

The small fishing village also developed as a result, and after many years of accumulation, it became the current Tianfu City.

The Qi Kingdom was prosperous in commerce, trading with the world, and the official actions were relatively smooth.

Every time the Tianfu Secret Realm was opened, there were fifty places. The Qi Kingdom directly took out ten places for foreigners to compete for.

Those foreigners who gained something in the Tianfu Secret Realm, the Qi Kingdom would come forward to recruit. Even if they failed, they would be sent out of the country with courtesy.

Over the years, those who have gained something in the Tianfu Secret Realm, as long as they do not die young, will eventually become strong.

Even if these people do not join the Qi Kingdom, they often have a good impression of the Qi Kingdom.


Ten miles north of Tianfu City, on the official road, a figure was riding a fast horse, raising a trail of dust.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, rolling the dust into a ball.

When the dust settled, the figure on the horse was gone.

The horse ran for a while before realizing that the rider was no longer on its back.

For a moment, it didn\'t know whether to go left or right.

It lowered its head and sniffed for a while, then left the official road on its own.

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