
Chapter 597 - Men Die For Wealth

Chapter 597 Men Die For Wealth

A head commander’s defense was just as good as their attacks, and their stamina was great too. Even without combat qi, fighting for half a day with only knight skills should be ok.This was not the case for Wizards. All their power came from their magic power. When all their mana was used up, any physical impact could greatly affect them. Wizards could use defensive spells to increase their own defense, as well as attack using magic elements.

A wizard depended on their mana, and normally their mana would be used up quickly. Therefore, every wizard needed a head commander to go along with them to Mount Budapest.

No one had the skill of a head commander and be a wizard like Abel, not to mention those powerful summons of his. Therefore, only Abel could fight alone like this.

Head Commander Bodley’ was attentive due to his fighting experience. They were far from any civilization, and the law of the state was basically useless here. The only thing that maintained order was morality. Head Commander Bodley could guarantee his morals, but he was not sure about those adventure squads.

An adventure squad of 10 men soon appeared up front. The squad considered 3 Head Commanders, 2 beginner wizards, and 5 commanders. This formation was considered as high up for an adventure squad.

That adventure squad was also keeping an eye on head commander Bodley, but as they got closer. The head commander leading that adventure squad began to relax. He then yelled with a laugh, “Bodley, long time no see!”

“Craig, long time no see!” Head Commander Bodley relaxed his defense position as well and put his weapon back on his saddle as a sign of respect to Head Commander Craig.

Suddenly a young wizard in a luxurious robe pointed at the mount wolf Abel was sitting on and said to Head Commander Craig from behind, “Craig, I want his Mount wolf!”

Head Commander Craig’s face changed. He was not expecting the wizard behind him to raise a request like this, but that Wizard’s status was too prestigious to deny.

“Young master Anthony, 2 out of those 3 wizards are wearing masks. They are from Miracle City. Miracle City is not far from here. Let’s not cause any trouble!” Head Commander Craig turned back and said gently.

“Craig, I’ve said my orders!” Wizard Anthony had already made up his mind. His adventure squad seemed a little bit stronger than Head Commander Bodley’s. Although they had one less wizard, they had an extra Head Commander, which should be able to make it up.

Most importantly, he could recognize the mount wolf under Abel was a mount wolf king. Looking at the horseback deer behind it, that mount wolf should be a spoil of war. Another Wizard by the side was also riding a mount wolf with a Chocobo following him, which further confirmed his idea.

Wizard Anthony was born into luxury. He was confirmed to have a talent for wizardry ever since he was young, so he had lost the right to inherit his family’s fortune. However, everyone in his family loved him, and he tried very hard as well. Finally, he had become an official wizard before he turned 30 years old.

“Bodley, can you do me a favor and ask that wizard if he will give out his mount wolf?” Head Commander Craig had no choice, so he stepped up and asked.

“Craig, I didn’t expect this. After not seeing for a while, you’ve sold yourself as a slave!” There was no way head commander Bodley would ask Abel such a question. He didn’t even need to think to know that Abel would not agree, so he just brushed Head Commander Craig off sarcastically.

“Bodley, that is the 3rd young master of the Brown family. Please consider for this wizard. The Brown family can give out enough to show their sincerity!” Said Head Commander Craig bluntly.

“So what?” K3308 called from a side with irritation. A 3rd master from the brown family could steal the mount of a Miracle City wizard? He was very angry. This was a clear insult to their dignity.

As the words of k3308 landed, the atmosphere grew intense. Head Commander Markham carefully blocked k3308, and Head Commander Bodley also took a step, guarding k3305. Both Head Commanders had picked up their weapons once again.

They were not worried about Abel’s safety. He was a wizard who could slaughter a team of 100 orcs by himself. There was no one would worry about his ability to protect himself. The only thing to worry about was if Abel will go too hard once he got angry.

“Young master Anthony, I know ahead Commander Bodley, he is a very strong fighter with the power of at least 2 head commanders, and I can also feel a sense of chill coming from the commander next to him. Perhaps he is a ice combat qi practitioner. If we start a fight with them now, our chances of winning are low!” Head commander Craig turned back to report again.

Ice combat qi head commanders were one of the very few commanders who specialized in defense. They could use the chill force to slow down the movement of their enemies, the highest mastery in the human’s defense.

“What do you know. Let me ask you, do they have more manpower than us?” Young master Anthony lowered his voice. He no longer had his gaze fixed on Abel’s mount wolf; instead his attention was drawn by Abel’s Kong Kong Spirit Portal bag. As the young master of the Brown Family, he had accidentally found out the existence of this type of portal bag.

However, 2 of these military grade weapons of the orc empire were hanging on the body this beginner Wizard. At that moment, he thought about a sentence he’d heard a while back: Greed is in the heart of every man.

In the past, he didn’t really know what this sentence meant since he had an amount of wealth that was unimaginable for any Wizard. Just like this adventure to Mount Budapest, for example, it was more like 3 head commanders helping a beginner Wizard open up fresh crystal cores for training.

However, when he stood in front of 2 Kong Kong Spirit Portal Bag and a mount wolf that could switch owners, he felt like nothing could stand in his way.

“Young master Anthony, if we really start a fight now, perhaps we are stronger!” Head Commander Craig lowered his voice. He couldn’t really understand the intention of young master Anthony. Both groups were almost neck to neck. If they started a fight, they would take a big hit even if they won.

“That’s all I need to know. Look, those 2 head commanders are not protecting that Wizard in the mount wolf king. Maybe it is because that Wizard had gotten a lot more spoils of war than those head commanders in their previous battle. Ask them to kill that Wizard first!” Said young master Anthony with confidence.

Young Master Anthony has a hand in his family business from a young age, so he knew a thing or two about human nature. That was why he had come up with this idea.

Wizards were the most important part of a battle formation, and at that moment, even those 2 unnoticeable elite warriors were not protecting Abel.

Abel smirked face. Although other people might not be able to hear the conversation between head commanders Craig and Anthony, Abel knew everything they were saying just by looking at the shape of their mouths.

He really wanted to tell that young master Anthony that there was a saying that goes like. Men die for wealth, and birds die for food.

At the moment, the 2 head commanders on the other team began to move. It seemed like their target was Head Commander Bodley and Head Commander Markhem.

“Craig, don’t test me!” Head Commander Bodley yelled.

“Bodley, this is young master Anthony’s command!” By that point, the hesitation on Head Commander Craig’s face had disappeared. There was no turning back for a head commander once they decided to fight.

“No need to talk, just kill them!” Young Master Anthony yelled as he threw a firebolt directly towards head commander Markhem.

The firebolt landed on the shield of Head Commander Markhem. A white light flashed, and a thick layer of frost emerged. Ssss... sss... the firebolt plunged into frost and vanished without making any damage.

The battle had officially ignited as soon as Young Master Anothony made this move. The 5 commanders quickly stepped in front of young master Anthony and the other Wizard in a guarding position, as the head commander charged towards head commander Bodley

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