
Volume 21 Side Story — The Mad Dog and the Child of God

Volume 21 Side Story: The Mad Dog and the Child of God

The same time as Rudeus was saying goodbye to Cliff.

Two people were reuniting.

The location was the Church headquarters, the Spring park.

The beautiful garden where multicolored flowers will bloom in spring.

There are a number of trees slanting diagonally because of Rudeus\'s [Quagmire] the other day, but their life force hasn\'t weakened.

As proof, to replace the Sarak trees, the Balta trees are letting their flowers bloom.

In front of those trees, two women are facing each other.

One with blond hair, one with red.

Therese and Eris.

And then, behind Therese.

As if hiding behind her back, the miko stood.

While rubbing her knees together bashfully, she huddled behind Therese.

In addition, men wearing some kind of blue armor are standing in the background.

"Come on, Miko-sama. It\'s Eris-sama. Rudeus made time for us to meet."

Therese called out to the miko behind her back in a gentle voice.

However, the miko just bashfully curled herself up.

"Bu-, But… it\'s that Eris-sama."

For her, Eris is an object of admiration.

Ever since she was aware of her surroundings, and every time something happened and she was allowed to go outside, she had to look into the dirty memories of adults.

In a world with no freedom, she lived a life with no hope.

When she fell into a trap while travelling and was surrounded, she thought nothing except that it was scary, that she didn\'t want to die.

The one who appeared at that time was Eris.

An air of superiority.

Her movements were straightforward, yet no one could catch her, and what stuck in her memories was the afterimage of her fiery red hair.

It was striking.

At the time, the miko had no idea what had just happened.

It\'s good that the child is safe, said Eris.

The miko didn\'t realize that the said child was herself until after returning to the headquarters.

That was when she realized that she had been saved.

Then the miko remembered.

When looking into the fiery-haired woman\'s eyes, she learned the name of her savior.


So her name is Eris.

While thinking that out loud, a strong admiration for Eris was born in her own memories.

Since then, the miko would imitate her.

Whenever she saw something she would loudly declare her impressions.

Whenever she decided something she would plainly declare it in a loud voice.

Whenever it was, she would use a bright and cheerful voice.

She wonders how much time has passed since she started that kind of conduct.

She didn\'t think she would ever meet Eris again.

She wanted to meet her, but she never said it out loud.

She understood that she didn\'t have that authority.

However, Eris came to Milishion.

When the miko heard that, she couldn\'t endure anymore.

To the cardinal, to the pope, she desperately begged to anyone she could.

Begged to meet Sword King Eris.

The Mad Dog Sword King is a dangerous person, but I still want to meet her.

I want to give her my thanks.

That small wish was easily granted.

The endeavor to let the extremely dangerous Mad Dog Sword King and the miko meet was allowed because Rudeus guaranteed that "If anything happens I\'ll take responsibility for it."

However, now that Eris is before her, she has no idea what to say.

Thinking that it would be rude to read her memories, she didn\'t meet her eyes.


Eris stood before the miko with her arms crossed.

She already finished naming herself.

She named herself as Rudeus\'s wife and one of the Sword Kings.

After Therese\'s following introduction and thanks for their first meeting, around five minutes have passed.

"Come on, there isn\'t much time."

Eris stood with good manners.

It\'s rare for this girl with a quick temper, but this time she was strictly ordered by Rudeus.

[The person you\'re meeting with is my savior. Please don\'t be rude… Well, you\'ll probably end up being arrogant, but just don\'t hit her.]

She will follow her instructions.

But as expected, this is getting on her nerves.

She hates waiting.

"Won\'t you hurry it up?"

"Ye-, Yes!"

At those words, the miko jumped with a start.

The worry that she was offending Eris won out against her shyness.

"Um, I\'m the miko! Thank you so much for saving my life earlier!"

"Earlier…? I don\'t remember!"


To the Eris that declared that in a loud voice, the miko reflexively looked into her eyes.

"… ah."

And then, seeing that there wasn\'t even the slightest trace of herself in Eris\'s memories, a saddened expression floated onto her face.

There\'s no helping it.

She knew it would be like this.

There\'s no way she would remember.

However, there were thoughts that it might be possible.

That it might be possible for her to remain in Eris\'s memories, even if just slightly.

That maybe she would say something like, "Oh, you\'re from that time? You\'ve gotten big."

Those thoughts were lingering in the depths of her heart.

Since she longed for Eris so much.

However, looking at her face, hearing about that time, Eris didn\'t remember a thing.

Possibly, if she spent more time reading Eris\'s memories, she may find some traces in the corner of her mind…

But after hearing about the past, what lurked in the corner of Eris\'s mind was the memory of Therese hugging Rudeus as he sat in her lap and rubbing his head.

The miko is the [Miko of Memories].

She is aware that memories are that kind of thing.

However, that doesn\'t stop it from being a shock.

"However, you saved Rudeus! I\'m grateful!"

With her arms crossed, the tall Eris let out a delightful voice.

After hearing that voice that seemed to blow away her shock, the miko shook her head as if to shake off her thoughts.

"No… It\'s only natural to save Eris-sama\'s husband."

Even if the one in front of me doesn\'t remember me, that doesn\'t change my admiration or gratitude.

To the miko who thought that, Eris hurled out words as if in pursuit.

"So then, tell me your name! Since Rudeus says he\'ll be in your care from now on as well, I\'ll remember it for you!"


A name.

She doesn\'t have a name.

Until now, the miko didn\'t feel inconvenienced by that.

However, now that Eris says she\'ll remember the miko\'s name, she doesn\'t have one to give.

She\'s missing something important.

She finally gained an awareness of how big a loss that was.

"Ummm… That is…"

"Miko is that thing, right? The same as Zanoba?… That\'s not a name, is it?"

At the word \'Zanoba,\' the miko once again looked into Eris\'s eyes.

It seems that mikos from other countries have names.

She couldn\'t see anything about that miko besides his name, since Eris didn\'t have much interest in him.

Still, it came as quite a shock.

"Why, you!"

"Miko-sama is Miko-sama!"

"Are you mocking her!?"

"A name is unnecessary!"

"Where is your god!?"

However, with the uproar in the background, she calmed down a little.

It didn\'t inconvenience her until now, and there\'s nothing that could be done if she doesn\'t have one.

It can be thought of that way.

"My deepest apologies. I don\'t have a name."

"Hnnn… Is that so?"

It didn\'t bother Eris.

The miko was relieved at that.

This is the first time in her life that she hesitated so much to look into someone\'s eyes.

"However, I\'m surprised. I heard you won\'t be coming to Milis."

"Since Rudeus got scared again, I came over… Um, I hurried!"

The teleportation magic circles should be kept a secret.

Eris understood that as well.

Of course, the miko already knew about the teleportation magic circles, and was chuckling to herself.

"Is that so, as expected of Eris-sama!"

"Fufun, of course!"

Eris\'s mood improved, and the atmosphere of the area became gentler.

Seeing that, the miko started thinking.

I\'ll flatter Eris more, and improve the atmosphere even more, she thought.

It\'s something the miko would normally never think.

"Umm, that is, I\'ve always admired Eris-sama!"

"I-, is that so?"

"Yes, how can I become like Eris-sama?"

At that, Eris looked down on the miko.

Fluffy cheeks.

Plump arms and legs.

An overall lacking in tightness, unhealthy body.

"You want to become like me?"

"Yes! I want to become cool like Eris-sama, not just in how I talk… Eh?"

Before anyone noticed.

Before anyone noticed, Eris had drawn her sword.

Of all the people present, only two of them were able to react.

The two who were especially gifted at swordplay among the Order of the Temple.

At the same time as they noticed, those two despaired.

Eris\'s sword was unsheathed.

They couldn\'t see her sword fly at all, but they could feel the sense that something, or someone, had been cut down.

Cut down.

Who was?

That much doesn\'t even need to be said.


"How dare you--!"

What was severed was the miko\'s wrist… or rather, a branch around half it\'s width from the nearby Balta tree.



Seeing that, the Temple Knights returned to the background as if nothing happened.

Eris picked it up and quickly pruned the hindering twigs.

The miko looked at Eris\'s sword that was drawn at some point, thinking, that\'s a pretty good sword, huh, none of the Temple Knights have swords that good, and such while absentmindedly watching Eris\'s movements.

Before long, the twigs were all removed and the branch had become a wooden rod around 100 centimeters long.


And then, Eris handed it over to the miko.


To the miko who looked on in puzzlement, Eris turned sideways.

And then, changing her grip on her sword from one-handed to two, she held her sword aloft… and swung it.

A sound as if it were crushing evil rang as if to destroy the silence.

"Try it."

"…Eh? Ah, yes."

The miko imitated Eris and held up the wooden stick.

And then, with a small shout, she swung it down.

However, it was a 100cm stick.

It wasn\'t something used for drying clothes, it was slightly heavy with a strange center of gravity, and the miko unsteadily stumbled a step or two forward.

After seeing that, the background shouted, but we\'ll leave that aside.

"Ummm… by \'like Eris-sama\' I meant…"

"Lower your hips more, let out the strength in your elbows, and be more aware of how you move your back. One more time."

"Ye-, Yes!"

Without really knowing what was going on, the miko continued to swing the stick.

Each time the miko swung the stick, Eris gave advice.


"Call out each time you swing! One, two, one two!"

"One, two, one, two!"

The Temple Knights didn\'t stop this scene.

They weren\'t really sure what was going on, but they could tell that Eris didn\'t intend to harm the miko, and so they saw no need to stop it.

There was also the fact that the miko looked lovely swinging the stick around.

Only the captain tried to stop it and had to be held back by the other followers, but in the end it was simply the background scene.

"Haah… Haah… Eris-sama…"

Once she had repeated around 30 times, the miko let out a shaking voice.

"I can\'t… feel my arms…"

"I see. Then it\'s fine, you can stop now."

As she was told, the miko lowered the stick.

From her back to her wrists, her body was numbed with exhaustion.

It seems like if you were to put your ear close to her muscles, you would be able to hear them creaking.

"U, Ummm…"

The miko looked up at Eris with an uneasy expression.

She doesn\'t know why she was made to swing the stick around.

Eris may have simply been trying something out.

She must be disappointed.

She will probably scold me, saying "Do you think you can become me like this?"

Such sad feelings welled up in the miko.

"Starting tomorrow, do that every day. Also, doing it in this garden is fine, but start running."


"If you don\'t know what to do, ask them."

Eris looked straight at the miko.

As if drawn into those eyes, the miko read Eris\'s memories.

What could be seen there was her severe daily training in the Holy Land of the Sword.

Sharpening herself through running and shouting without food or water.

"You can become like me."

Eris stated that definitively.

If Rudeus was here he may have said "No, that\'s definitely impossible…" with a wry smile.

However, Rudeus was nowhere to be found.

The miko turned around and looked into Therese\'s eyes.

Her own training was etched into her memories.

In the other Temple Knights as well, though it wasn\'t to the same level as Eris, there were memories of the effort they put in.

You can become like her.

It will probably be tough, it isn\'t easy for anyone.

However, you can become like her.

"I… wonder if I can do it?"

"I think it will be fine. We can\'t let you use a sword or magic, but as far as training your body… Everyone will teach you together."

The one who answered was Therese.

She looked around at the background while saying that, but quickly returned her gaze to the miko.

While looking into the miko\'s eyes, she gave her honest opinion.

"However, please promise not to raise a hand if assassins attack, even if we were to be completely wiped out."

In Therese\'s memories were nobles who had challenged opponents with crude tactics and perished.

This was Therese\'s kindness of asking not to become like them.

"Yes. I swear to Milis-sama."

The miko nodded delightedly.

A gentle atmosphere permeated that place.

Possibly lured in by that atmosphere, the silver owl that was wandering the garden returned.

It angled its head and looked up at the miko, and cried out "Hoo."

"Oh… what happened?"

When the miko bent down and extended her hand, the owl stuck out its forehead as if presenting the place that was itchy.

The miko stroked it with her fingernail, and the owl\'s fluffy feathers stood on end, and it narrowed its eyes in pleasure.

Seeing that, Eris became sorely tempted.

She loves the Beast Race.

However, that isn\'t limited to the Beast Race, she loves all fluffy creatures.

She has lots of opportunities to touch dogs and cats, but not birds.

She can cut down a flying bird, but it\'s rare to get this close to such a large bird without it getting vigilant.

"… Hey, can I touch it too?"

"Yes! Of course!"

Gaining permission, Eris crouched while breathing wildly.

Seeing that excitement, the silver owl winced and faltered backwards.

Eris stopped her movements.


I can\'t move too quickly here. Animals instinctively fear creatures faster and stronger than themselves.

They\'ll be obedient if you completely dominate them, but if you want to get along with them you have to make sure you aren\'t scary.

That\'s what she heard from the Rinia who she completely dominated in bed.

Eris slowly and carefully extended her hand, and touched the silver owl.

The silver owl\'s plumage that seems hard from afar were very soft, and increased Eris\'s excitement.

She wants to immediately hug it tightly and bury her face into its feathers, but she can\'t go that far.

If she were to do that it would run away, just like Leo, Rinia, and Pursena.

However, it\'s fine if she doesn\'t go that far.

While thinking that, Eris rubbed the silver owl all over.

The silver owl was frightened like an impala being tormented by a tiger, but none of the people there paid it any mind.

"Do you like it?"

"Birds are good, too."

After enjoying that softness for a while, Eris stood up with flushed cheeks.

Fur is nice, but feathers are extraordinary, thought Eris.

Suddenly, she noticed something.

"What\'s his name?"

"Eh? Name?"

The miko tilted her head at that question.

Well, a name…

"When keeping an animal, it\'s common sense to give it a name."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, that\'s what Rudeus said before, after all."

The miko was suddenly worried.

Not only has she never named anything before, she doesn\'t even have one herself.

She\'s not allowed to name herself, but it\'s certainly convenient to have one.

"A name…"

Seeing the deeply troubled miko, the background began to become flustered.

I\'ll decide it, no I will, but Miko-sama should decide it herself, and such.

"Eris, it\'s over."

At that time, Rudeus returned to the park.

He had finished saying goodbye to Cliff, and was feeling slightly sentimental.

However, there\'s no time to be immersed in sentimentality, a battle is coming up.

I am a robot. He stiffened his face while thinking that he has to move like a sentinel.

Seeing the miko in the park, he tilted his head.

"Ummm… is something wrong?"

"We ended up trying to decide on a name."

"A name…"

Rudeus looked around the park.

The troubled miko, the flustered followers.

The new captain who didn\'t seem like he could swallow the situation.

Therese who was simply wearing a wry smile.

He immediately understood the situation.

That\'s certainly troubling, he thought.

I\'m sure Eris had no ill intentions, he thought.

"Ah, how about Rudeus-sama decides on a name?"

And then, the miko proposed that idea.

I can\'t decide myself, but there\'s no problem if Rudeus does it, she thought.

"Eh? Is it okay if I do it?"

"Yes, of course."

Being told so, Rudeus made a difficult face.

He looked between Eris and the miko.

He didn\'t want to choose a bad name, but since it was so sudden nothing is coming to mind.

"Then, how about… Nurse?"

"Nurse, huh? That\'s a good name! From today onwards, your name is now Nurse!"

The miko bent down and pet the silver owl at her feet.

Seeing that, Rudeus shouted "Ah!" in a small voice.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it\'s nothing."

Rudeus turned his gaze from the miko.

He turned his face away like someone with a guilty conscience.

She tilted her head at that, but the miko was satisfied.

She got to meet the Eris that she looked up to, and decided on a name for the owl. She even decided what she should be doing from tomorrow on.

She thought that today was truly a good day.

"Eris-sama. Thank you so much!"

"I\'ll come again someday. When I do, I\'ll come to see you again."

"Yes, please!"

Eris was also satisfied.

She was satisfied just being able to touch the owl.

The background was satisfied, as well.

They felt a bit of dread when Eris drew her sword, but they are satisfied that the miko looks satisfied.

They are looking forward to teaching her in detail on how to train her body from tomorrow on. All of them are.

Only Rudeus was turning away with a face that says "Oh, sheet!"

Only Therese noticed that facial expression of Rudeus.

She noticed exactly who he was trying to name.

However, she didn\'t say it out loud.

She just smiled wryly.

The silver owl Nurse looked at that miko with its head tilted.

Thus, Eris was able to gain another disciple.

From the next day the miko became more and more slim, and the Temple Knights treated her more and more like an idol, but… that\'s a story for another time.

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