
Chapter 627: Comeback chance

"Photon Burst Cannon, fire."

The captain of the Diva watched helplessly as the target destruction warship was launched one step earlier than the Diva, and the captain of the Diva patted his thigh.

Destruction laser?? After penetrating Mahal, a vortex frigate next to it was penetrated within a few seconds after resisting the photon burst cannon, and even penetrated the destruction battleship.

The photon burst cannon destroyed the Destroyer, and the Destroyer turned into cosmic dust in a big explosion.

Mahal was hit by the destruction laser cannon on the central area, causing the internal nuclear fusion artificial sun factory to explode. The moment of the explosion was like dozens of strategic nuclear bombs erupting at the same time.

Mahal's internal explosion also caused the entire colony satellite to disintegrate.

Lieutenant General Shrek punched the console, feeling very angry. Although he destroyed the two destroying warships of the enemy, he lost Mahal. This damage was much more serious than the loss of Dion's army.

Lieutenant General Eugene cheered, such a result can always give Dion's army a chance to come back.

Although it is impossible to lay down the stronghold, at least it will cause heavy losses to the enemy, and we will plan after laying down the stronghold.

Lieutenant General Eugene immediately ordered the entire army to retreat. During the retreat, he realized that it was the Song Ji who destroyed the destroying warship.

Lieutenant General Eugene rested his right hand on his chin and thought in his heart: "Why did the Diva discovered by Major General Lobelia appear here? Could it be that they have two Divas?"

Lieutenant General Shrek instead ordered to chase and repel the enemy army. The Dark Cone's troops could not escape at this moment.

For Lieutenant General Shrek, chasing the Lieutenant Army was not only about driving the enemy back to the 7th point, but also driving the enemy out of the 7th point, even the Dion army at the 6th point.

The purpose of chasing the enemy now is to kill as many as they can, because there may be a real decisive battle next.

The smaller the number of enemy troops, the better the chances of winning.

Standing up to the 4th Army, the troops led by Major General Lobelia were flanked by the Shocking 4th Army and the United Army, and there was basically no news of the troops entering the ambush point.

Major General Lobelia looked at the three-dimensional map and knew that her chances of winning were extremely low, and if the Diva appeared, just one shot from the photon burst cannon would definitely cause heavy losses to her troops.

Major General Lobelia ordered the retreat.

It was only after the 4th Army of Lizhui withdrew from the territory of Rob Country that it learned that the troops led by its superior, Lieutenant General Eugene, had been defeated.

When seeing the video report, Major General Lobelia was greatly shocked by Mahal's solar laser cannon.

What made Major General Lobelia wait until it was unbelievable was that his superior, Lieutenant General Eugene, destroyed the Mahal Satellite Cannon of the Tianyi Mercenary Group under such unfavorable circumstances.

Although they lost two destroying warships, they were more cost-effective in this battle.

Major Admiral Lobelia was puzzled that the second destroyed warship was destroyed by the Song Ji, which made her feel a little puzzled, mistakenly thinking that the Song Ji had two ships?

In fact, the Tianyi mercenary group only has one Song Ji, which originally belonged to the shadow mad dog team, and Lieutenant General Shrek asked to call it.

However, the 4th Army of Lizhui would get the information that the Song Ji was at ambush point A, but it was actually deceived.

The Black Rabbit Force Gundam Hazel 2 sent out half-truths and half-false news to the 4th Army.

In the real part, Diva once appeared at ambush point A, and in the fake part, Diva was no longer in ambush point A.

The news sent by Gundam Hazel 2 can deceive the 4th Army, mainly because of the help of former Dion Empire soldiers like Na Li who hated the Dion Empire.

Inform the Tianyi mercenary group of some communication codes or secret codes they have.

So I used this method to deceive the 4th Army. After repeated investigations, the 4th Army found that the communication codes and passwords inside were indeed the unique communication codes and passwords of the Dion Army.

Without suspecting him, they sent their troops into the ambush point A to search for the whereabouts of the singer, and then they were attacked by the 4th Army.

Another United Army fleet appeared on the battlefield and joined forces with the 4th Shock Guarding Army to deal with the 4th Licone Army. The 4th Licone Army gained nothing and suffered a lot of losses. Major General Lobelia issued an order to retreat.

On the other side, the 5th Army of Licone returned to the 7th position with less than 10% of the original scale.

In addition to being served by the Super Mega Particle Cannon of the Ms Quasi-Agama Mothership, the 5th Army of the Standing Cone was also warmly received by the Destruction Cannon of the Flying Wing 0 type.

On the surface, the Li Cone Army was indeed defeated, causing heavy losses to the Dion Army as a whole.

But although the loss was heavy, it does not mean that they have no chance of turning the tables.

The damage of Mahal made Fardis and many generals breathe a sigh of relief.

After discussing the 6th and 7th locations, Fadis and many generals announced that these two locations would be abandoned and all the troops would be transferred back.

The next battle will directly focus on attacking one location, opening up a new situation that is already in an unfavorable situation.

Julius followed Fardis down the aisle.

Julius said to Fadis: "Your Majesty, the next battle is a very critical one. We can only win but not lose. Once we lose, our ideals of the Dion Kingdom will be postponed."

"If the delay can make our ideals come true, even if I hand over my life, it doesn't matter. Long Fei is really our biggest stumbling block. If we don't get rid of this person, our ideals will not be realized."

This time bigSHu.com Zhang Si. "Your Majesty, do you want to die with Long Fei?" Julius asked nervously and worriedly.

Fardis stopped, turned to look at Julius, reached out and patted Julius on the shoulder.

"I understand that you are worried about my safety, but you also know that you and I are already over 100 years old. Although in today's era, it is no problem for human beings to live to two hundred years old, but 100 years old After that, we human beings can be considered to have entered middle age. After entering middle age, even new human beings have passed their heyday. On the surface, I am getting stronger every time. This is because I am burning my own life, but Long Fei is different, he is still young, he still has a huge room for improvement, if he continues to grow up, even if you join forces with Zhen, maybe you can't beat him."

Control the big and the owl. Julius said: "Your Majesty, why don't you join forces with me, and we will definitely be able to take down Long Fei."

Fadis raised his hand and said: "No, we don't know how many powerful new humans are beside Long Fei. If there are new humans with the same strength as you by his side, I can't let you take risks. If something happens to me, You have to return to the Kingdom of Dion immediately. Elisaud still needs your assistants. There are constant undercurrents in the Kingdom of Dion. There are many talents around Elisaud, but they are still too young. I am really worried that they will not be able to suppress them. Live, still depends on you.

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