
Chapter 307 Commotion Caused By The Royal Princes And Princesses’ Deaths

Chapter 307 Commotion Caused By The Royal Princes And Princesses\' Deaths

Nighttime had already passed and it was currently daytime.

Allen\'s assassinations had caused an uproar in the royal palace.

In the royal throne room, the king was sitting on his throne while rubbing his forehead.

"Are you certain that the perpetrator wasn\'t caught?"

The king inquired to a man wearing heavy armor with a sword on his waist. That man was the personal knight of the king that was completely loyal to him. He was one of the few 7th Star Knights in the Gaia Kingdom.

Since it was extremely difficult to become an 8th Star Knight or an 8th Star Mage, becoming a 7th Star Knight was already considered an achievement. Those who reached that power level would be able to call themselves a powerhouse wherever they went.

Even a second-tier kingdom only had one or two 7th Star Knights while others might not even have one. As for a third-tier kingdom, the strongest they had was a 6th Star Knight.

The neighboring kingdoms of the Gaia Kingdom weren\'t that strong since they were mostly second-tier kingdoms. Only Zeus Kingdom proved to be a threat to their kingdom.

But even a 7th Star Knight after having a thorough investigation couldn\'t find out the perpetrator of the assassination that occurred in the kingdom. It was so sudden that it caught them off-guard.

After all, none would expect that just a day after the monthly royal gathering, all the princes and princesses aside from Alisceon and Reid were dead. Because of that, Alisceon and Reid were attracting the suspicion of the royal palace regarding the sudden deaths of their royal siblings.

"Yes, your majesty. I dare say that the perpetrator must be at the 8th rank in terms of assassination. Otherwise, even an assassin at the 7th rank might not be able to hide their trails from me."

After hearing his king\'s question, the 7th star knight immediately answered.

"And from your report, only Alisceon and Reid were alive while the rest were dead? Even the first prince?"

"Yes, your majesty. Aside from the first princess and the second prince, all of the royal princes and princesses had been assassinated. Even the first prince who had gone crazy wasn\'t spared by the assassin."

Listening to his knight\'s reply, only increased the headache of the king.

"Your majesty, do you think that perhaps, the perpetrator must be the Supreme Mage? After all, only he and the Ultimate Knight could pull off a clean assassination but considering the Ultimate Knight\'s personality, he wouldn\'t pull off such a dirty tactic."

"After all, it is too unusual that only the first princess and the second prince were alive while the rest of the royal princes and princesses died that night."

Hearing his knight\'s opinion, the king only scoffed at his words.

"Did you think I didn\'t have that suspicion? Even if there isn\'t any evidence, even the nobles had already guessed that the perpetrator is the Supreme Mage."

"And as you have said, it is impossible for the Ultimate Knight to assassinate my children. But that didn\'t apply to the Supreme Mage since we barely know about him. If it\'s for Alisceon\'s sake, he might have done this to prevent any unstable variables."

The knight lowered his head when he heard his king\'s reply.

"Your majesty, should we detain the Supreme Mage? Even if we don\'t have evidence of his crime, all of us aren\'t dumb enough to not know that he isn\'t the perpetrator of the royal princes and princesses\' assassination."

The knight offered his suggestion to the king but the king waved his hand to dismiss it.

"Even if we had evidence, we dare not do it. Even if we did attempt to arrest the Supreme Mage, did you really think we can pull that off successfully?"

"Only the Ultimate Knight can rival the Supreme Mage. But if you haven\'t forgotten, the Ultimate Knight is on the Supreme Mage\'s side."

"And even if by some miracle we managed to imprison the Supreme Mage, did you really think we have enough resources to imprison him? We need high-quality mana chains and each mana chain is too expensive. Not to mention, when the Supreme Mage managed to escape from prison, you might see me in the coffin the next day he escaped."

When the knight thought of such a possibility, he couldn\'t help but shudder.

Since he was only a 7th star knight, he couldn\'t help his king deal with the Supreme Mage. So he felt powerless in such a predicament.

"But your majesty, should we just let this slide? If we let this slide, who knows what the Supreme Mage will do next."

The knight felt unwilling to allow the Supreme Mage to run rampant in the Gaia Kingdom without facing the consequences of his actions.

"If you want to die, then don\'t bring me down with you. If we had enough power, I would have already arrested the Supreme Mage. But since we do not, then it will only prove a pointless action that would harm our kingdom."

"If that ever happened, do you really think the nobles won\'t side with the Supreme Mage to dethrone me? Even they know that it is better to make the Supreme Mage our ally rather than our enemy."

"I already expected this to happen. Otherwise, why did you think I had that many children when I could only have one or two?"

"Only the most befitting ruler for the Gaia Kingdom will survive in the battle for the throne. And it only proved that my other children are weak while Alisceon and Reid are worthy of becoming the ruler of our kingdom."

After explaining that to his most trusted knight, the king dismissed his knight as the knight left the throne room.

"Remind the others to not take action against the Supreme Mage lest we incite his ire. The Zeus Kingdom is already a problem let alone making an enemy out of the Supreme Mage."

The knight relayed that message from his king to the other royal knights in the kingdom so that none would recklessly seek death.

The knight didn\'t believe that they couldn\'t go against the Supreme Mage. After all, their kingdom had the Ultimate Knight. But it just so happened that the Ultimate Knight was allied with the Supreme Mage.

Because of that, they could no longer deal with the Supreme Mage. They could only grit their teeth in helplessness after knowing that the Supreme Mage assassinated most of the royal princes and princesses of their kingdom.

The only silver lining was that not all of the royal princes and princesses died and the Supreme Mage became their ally. Otherwise, they wouldn\'t be confident in waging war against the Zeus Kingdom if not for the Supreme Mage\'s voluntary assistance.


While the royal palace and the royal knights were having a huge conversation about the Supreme Mage\'s absurd actions, the Supreme Mage himself was currently aware of that but didn\'t care.

How could he care about the opinions of those weaklings? Only the Heretic Gods could ever make him take them seriously. Even the Ultimate Knight wasn\'t his opponent let alone those weaklings.

Aside from those that had a relationship with him such as his siblings and classmates, Allen wouldn\'t care about those that were weaker than him. Of course, he didn\'t label his chat group members as weaklings since even if some of them were weaker than him, that didn\'t necessarily mean that they were weak.

His chat group members were the protagonist of their respective worlds or universes so if they were weak, then the rest of the inhabitants in that world would be ants.

With that in mind, Allen no longer cared about the commotion that he had caused in the kingdom.


A week had passed since Allen had assassinated the royal princes and princesses.

They say that time heals all wounds and it went true for this event. After a week had passed, the royal palace no longer thought of Allen\'s actions as a big deal considering they had a bigger problem.

The Zeus Kingdom finally made a move against their kingdom!

Just yesterday, they caught a spy from the Zeus Kingdom and after sending a spy to the Zeus Kingdom as well, they found out that the Zeus Kingdom was preparing for war!

They could only dispel their hatred towards the Supreme Mage since they still needed the Supreme Mage to deter the Zeus Kingdom. Otherwise, even they weren\'t confident that the Ultimate Knight alone could deal with the 8th Circle Mage of the Zeus Kingdom.

After all, even if the Ultimate Knight was powerful enough to cut the magic of the 8th Circle Mage, mages were very cunning and unpredictable so the chances of the 8th Circle Mage winning against the Ultimate Knight were a lot higher.

Because of that, it was better for a mage to fight against another mage and it just so happened that their kingdom was not only fortunate to have humanity\'s strongest knight, but also humanity\'s strongest mage!

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